Counter Clockwise in Topeka Kansas.
It’s the Coriolis effect because we live on a big spinning ball. In the southern hemisphere low pressure areas spin clockwise whereas in the northern hemisphere they spin anti clockwise.
Did you know that you are lighter at the equator than at the poles? In fact if an Earth day was 88 minutes you would be weightless at the equator as centrifugal force matches gravity.
What a strange world we live on.
Only if you believe unchallengeable Stats
that why well thrown boomerangs always come back to you!!
And…The surface of the Earth is whizzing round at 1000 mph…
Circumference of earth is 24,000 miles therefore it takes 1 day to do a complete revolution.
I think Aussie bathwater swirls and drains in the opposite direction, not that’s anything to dwell upon.
That is why you are lighter at the equator than at the poles.
So… …If you could jump high enough, would the world rotate under you, and you would come down in a different place…?
No, of course not. Jump up now, Did you land in a different place? Why do you suppose increasing the speed would make any difference? the equator is travelling much faster than you are in the UK
But the sun stays in the same place and comes round every day Bruce?
I thought we went around the sun??
No, we go “round the Wrekin”
Read and absorb the text bret…