Yorkshire Shepherdess and husband split up

@Artangel l fort that woz wot l said Arty ??
Donkeyman !:+1::thinking::+1:

I was just confirming it!! :laughing:

That woz wot ewe said DM

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and who rattled your cage? Keep your snout (pig) out! :laughing:

I think it is very sad when a marriage breaks down,especially when children are involved.
I read somewhere that she has been seeing one of the camera men.
True or false,it is their business and who is to judge.

She seems to have gone quiet on Twitter.

Same old, if its true.

well when a cameraman keeps saying " look at me look at me what do you expect - anyway how many kids has she got dozens - she deserves a rest from the reproduction cycle and if that is all her hubbie can do then she needs a break from him?

There is only one way to administer justice to a randy cameraman and without going into detail suffice to say, it involves a Clapperboard “Action”. :smiley:

wouldn’t that encourage him all the more - I remember them as a teenager - you had to keep ya sailors stump out of the way?

well all he had to do was a little bit of pushing and a quick spirt at the end whilst she was carrying the loads for 9mths each time - she may have just got a tad bit tired?

Maybe she felt she was being Fleeced?

marriage ain’t wot it used to be - bikes get in the way?

And the internet


strangely enough \i am watching the series in oz atm - the countryside and their lifestyle looks so lovely and how many kids 11?? - too many kids can break a marriage too!! [but I did comment to myself well well sometimes you can have what seems to be the best of everything and still its not enoough??

We never really know someone gumbud, or what goes on behind closed doors

With 11 kids, I think we’ve got a rough idea of what’s been going on behind closed doors!!

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the countryside looked stunning but I bet the wind howled a bit up there too?

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what do they say “the other mans grass is always greener” suppose she found more greener then"?

Vaseline must have been involved, on the bedroom doorknob. :icon_wink: :boxing_glove:

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