Yes I have no tomatoes

I like Gardener’s Delight, cherry tomatoes and full of flavour.

That`s a solid variety and was always on my list. Brings back memories of trying some cross breeds-it would take too long to explain.

My maincrop is usually “Shirley”, a solid performer and good flavoured fruits of an average size, although I invariably grow a bush cherry tomato as well, this year it’s “Sweet Millions”

Same here Barry. Shirley has been the only tomato that doesn’t succumb to blight in my garden.

last year they took over the greenhouse

So Sue got a variety that doesn’t grow so tall. Now we have to wait and see how they do.

And me, I am doing three grafted Shirley toms in large pots, I am not a great fan of growing in bags, so I empty the bags into pots, I seem to get a better crop.

Rehab, can you explain to me why you prefer the grafted to the ordinary seed sown toms please?
In what ways do you think they are better?

I have found that they are far more resistant to all the usual diseases, and I can start them off a little bit earlier in my inheated greenhouse I have tried growing from seed with some very variable results. The taste and productivity is good too. On the negative side I have to purchase these as ready grown plants from a nursery and of course they are sterile. So for me it’s 3 F1 grafted plants every time which produces enough toms for the family.

Do you actually go and buy them, or do you get them mail order?

Just wondering how they pack them for mail order, and what size they are when you get them?

Mups, I order on line and they come in a plastic container by post and through the letter box Tomorrow I will post a couple of pics of what they look like now…
Quite a change in just one month.

I have had plants from Marshalls before, with no problems, I can only put it down to the Royal Mail
They recovered within days :lol:

Thanks Rehab. I Must say they look very sorry for themselves in those pics.
Glad they’ve come on alright now though.

Here is what they look like now, just over 4 weeks since delivery.

Barry-at least Shirley is a better choice than Money Maker.

But to Sweet Million-it`s very nice and is it still classed as an F1 hybrid? It may be but there is a long story behind that.

It will come true from saved seeds-trust me I did it for years.

I`ve changed my profile picture-just a few from the days when I sold them for a bit of pin money.

Thanks for that info OG, I didn’t know that, I just assumed that it wouldn’t be possible. :smiley:

Here it is and classed F1-but it does come true. As I said it`s a long story.

Next season all do try other varieties-no need to go crazy but I would suggest Black Russian as a standard tomato.

Cheers, I might just give that a try.

From my days as Smiling Cat-I grew so many from this supplier.

They’ve come on much better now Rehab. :023:

I have grown ‘Sweet Million’ for several years now, it’s a smashing, small and sweet cherry I agree.
Never tried saving the seed though.

I also like Gardeners Delight, which is a slightly bigger cherry than sweet million.