Yay! Another uncivilized Yank!

A lovely man from another over 50s forum said that you guys are a great group, so I thought I’d give it a go.

As Yanks go, I’m pretty tame. Well, at least I have some manners. I do, however, tend to speak my mind, so if you don’t want to know, don’t ask. Actually, I’ll probably tell you whether you want to know or not. :blush:

I’m happy to be here.

Welcome to OFF, Mz G! :slight_smile:

Thanks! My first welcome message.

Welcome, I’m new here too.
It’s a great place.

Are you into Rap music, by any chance?
There’s a Texas rapper that goes by the name Mz G.

You mean there is a genuine Overfifty on this planet who is really into Rap “music” ???
I’m stunned.

G’day from Australia, Mz G !

Ugh! No Rap for me! Thanks for the welcome.

Thank you for the warm welcome, and how did you know I’m not into rap :slight_smile:

Rap has been going since the 70s. :slight_smile:

Poetry to music.

poetry ? Music ?


I love classical, jazz, show tunes and almost every other form of music except Country Western. IMO, rap is words over some sort of music, and I wouldn’t mind if the words weren’t usually so ugly.

Hello there Mz G.
And welcome from a neighbour to your north!

Thanks. Bet I’m warmer than you right now.

Bet you’re right! :slight_smile:

Hello Mz G :slight_smile: a warm welcome to Over50sForum…

…and it’s a big WELCOME from me Glenda.

Hi Glenda, you’ll enjoy it on here, were a friendly bunch that like a good chat :slight_smile:

Hello Glenda and welcome to the forum:-)

Good morning Glenda darlin’ and welcome.

Hello Glenda :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley: