Xirpys hopeless intro

…and whoops forgot to introduce my self.
I am xirpy- only because every other name under the sun seems to have been claimed. Now Im left with something I cant remember to spell. But I digress.
Hello everyone .
I hope to be a informative, engaging and useful contributor to this forum.
Ok thats an aspiration.
My real talent is lurking and being pointless and Im a work in progress, trying to dismantle that.
Any and all help appreciated.
Thank you for reading my drivel.

Good morning Xirrpy, and welcome to the forum. :slight_smile:

Thank you :slight_smile:

Hello xirrpy :slight_smile: a warm welcome to Over50sForum…

I think you will fit in here just fine, someone with a good sense of humour is just what we need in times like this :smiley:

If you are stuck on anything, just ask and someone will always help you.

Enjoy your time here with us. :slight_smile:

Hello Jorge :slight_smile: welcome…

Thank you, Meg, Mags, Mups. Say, you wouldnt all be related :slight_smile:

Hey Xirpy. Great name. All drivel is welcome here. Lurking is more than OK and pointlessness is perfectly valid. I too enjoy getting in touch with my inner moron here often. :slight_smile: Good to have you on board.

Thank you Brother keezoy- er I dont feel so bizzarro now :slight_smile:

Welcome Xirpy. Don 't worry about the drivel. It’s what we do. :lol:

Thank you LongDogs - love the name :slight_smile:

Hi Xirrpy, We don’t live all that far apart, though we aren’t allowed to travel now anyway. Have fun here, we are all nuts on this forum.

If you are not dangerous - drop in any time :slight_smile:

Clever you, certainly a name that gets you noticed.



Thank you. I now see where I went wrong. Should have been Chirrpy- Its ok the novelty will wear off. Gone weeks with out speaking and now cant stop

Welcome xirrpy.

Did you know about the XIRR calculation in python?

Very much like a portion of your username:-)

Welcome XOR , er, yap, er ,xx, oh sod it, wotcha

Helo Minx/Primus thank you
Minx- Im not a coder…but if I was it would be c++ lol

I like your humour,xirrpy. :-):slight_smile:

What you like,Primus,:lol::lol:

Dont think I have given you a ‘hello’ yet. Its a bit like being introduced to an office you go round the open plan disorintated and reshake the first few peeps hands again with the same vigor and deep sincerity that marks you for ever more as the eternal wanker.

I got watch that.
I have a rep to keep