Writing a story one post at a time

Just for fun, let’s write a story one post at a time.

Let the story begin!

Once upon a time, in a small town called Evergreen, there was a curious young girl named Lily. She was known for her bright smile, adventurous spirit, and love for all things nature. One day, while exploring the nearby forest, Lily stumbled upon a hidden path that led to a secret garden. She was amazed to find the garden filled with all sorts of beautiful flowers, tall trees, and friendly animals. But as she wandered deeper into the garden, she heard a strange noise coming from a small, blue cottage. Curious, Lily peeked inside the cottage and was surprised to find. . .

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a HUGE cauldron full to the brim with hot melted cheese bubbling over a large glowing wood fire. This aromatic and enticing brew had an almost pungent aroma that invaded her nostrils at first breath. She ventured closer…

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Only to hear an angry voice screech

“Stop right there Lily, I know who you are and why you’re here”


Lily jumped in surprise as the voice boomed from the shadows of the cottage, echoing off the stone walls. She turned to face the source of the voice, only to find a woman with wild gray hair and piercing green eyes. The woman pointed a long wooden spoon at Lily, her eyes flashing with anger.

“You’re here to steal my magic cheese recipe, aren’t you?” she hissed, her words sharp as a knife. “Well, I won’t let you. This recipe is a family secret, passed down through generations. You’ll have to get through me first.”

Lily was taken aback by the woman’s accusation. “I’m not here to steal anything,” she said, raising her hands in defense. “I just wanted to see what was making that delicious smell. I swear, I don’t want your recipe!”

The woman narrowed her eyes, clearly not convinced. “We’ll see about that,” she said, her voice low and menacing. “You’re coming with me.”

Before Lily could protest, the woman grabbed her by the arm and dragged her deeper into the cottage…

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As she was being dragged into the back of the cottage, Lily could see by the flickering lights of fire that there were more cauldrons in the back. Instead of animals and or boiling tinctures as she feared, these cauldrons were filled with soups and stews and curries. The room was aromatic and fragrant.

On the table in the back room lay a tray with an assortment of crackers and cheeses. Lily could see that the cheese dip in the cauldron she stumbled on earlier was set in a bowl on this tray.

The woman motioned for Lily to try some of the cheese dip. Apprehensively, Lily put some cheese dip on a slice of bread and took a bite. It tasted heavenly, smooth and creamy with just a hint of heat.

This was all so strange. Would she turn into a frog at any moment?

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Then just as she began to relax, ever so slowly the strangest of feelings began to emerge inside her… and then like a gently swirling breeze more strange feelings…and ever so slowly beautiful colours began to swirl in the gentle darkness of this room , being softly illuminated by the glowing embers of another log fire. And THEN …just as gently beautifully coloured and patterned moths and butterflies began to appear. WHAT ? was happening. Was it that cheese? What else was in that lovely bubbling concoction? Her mind was fogging but various “mushrooms” came to mind… and then SUDDENLY…

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She was standing outside a castle. All around her were rose bushes and all her favorite flowers of every color. The grass beneath her feet was soft as velvet. As she looked up at the butterflies flying overhead, she saw how huge the castle was.

“What is happening to me,” she thought. “Am I dreaming?”

Despite her doubts, she had to check out the castle. What if she woke up without checking out the castle. She ran to the entrance of the castle. When she got there, the door slowly opened only to show. . . .

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A totally empty area inside. So HOW? WHO ? or WHAT ? had caused this door to open.? Ever so cautiously she began to venture further inside. Her heart by now pounding in anticipation. It was rather dark & dingy inside, only adding to her apprehension. Then as she ventured further she began to see a light ahead to one side. What on Earth could it be? This was SO spooky, she was beginning to tremble noticably and then she saw…

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A family around a large table, eating a meal. It looked like a festive meal. There was turkey and a roast. Lots of potatoes of every kind, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, sauteed potatoes in garlic butter.

They looked happy and full of love for each other. A father, a mother, a boy and a girl.

As Lily walked into the room, the family looked up, astonished. How did this woman get into their castle? What did she want?

Lily was equally astonished. Everything up to the point had been so strange, yet this family was perfectly normal. They could be in a painting.

The father got up to talk with Lily. “What are you doing here?” he asked. “How did you get in?”

Lily didn’t know how to answer.

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“Oh no, it’s happened again” said the father

“That flaming woman and her cheese! When are go going to sort you’re mother out, dear? she’s the worst mother-in-law ever, I told you confining her to that cottage wouldn’t work”


“Oh dear!” said the mother. “You know there’s no talking to my mother,” she said to her husband, in an exasperated tone. “She’s always done exactly what she wants.”

Lily stood there, still in shock. What was going on? She felt like running, but she was frozen in place.

“We’ll just have to stick her with the others. . .” the mother continued. The father looked concerned. The children continued eating.

Just then. . . . .

AI chatbot contribution.

Just then, the cottage door burst open, and the wild-haired woman from before rushed in, brandishing her wooden spoon like a weapon.

“There you are!” she shouted, glaring at Lily. “I knew you were up to no good!”

The family around the table sighed in unison, as if they were used to this kind of behavior.

“Mother, please,” the mother said, standing up to face her. “This young woman has done nothing wrong. She’s just a victim of your crazy cheese recipe.”

“Crazy?” the old woman scoffed. “My recipe is a work of art! It’s the world that’s gone crazy, not me!”

“Be that as it may,” the father interjected, “we can’t just have people popping up in our castle uninvited. We’ll have to find a place for her to stay until we figure out what to do.”

The old woman grumbled something about “interfering busybodies” but eventually relented, muttering under her breath as she retreated back to her cottage.

Lily, still in shock, allowed herself to be led away by the family, wondering what would happen next in this bizarre turn of events. They took her to a small but cozy room, furnished with a comfortable bed and a window that looked out onto the rose bushes and flowers outside.

“You can stay here for now,” the mother said kindly. “We’ll figure out what to do in the morning. Try to get some rest, and don’t worry - you’re safe here.”

Lily nodded, still too stunned to speak, and collapsed onto the bed, feeling like she had fallen down the rabbit hole into a strange and bewildering world.

As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but wonder - was this all just a crazy dream, or had she truly stumbled into a place where magic cheese recipes and talking animals were a reality? Only time would tell.

When Lily woke, everything was quiet. She smelled the roses and the other flowers that she had seen outside. The sun was shining. There was a nice breeze coming in through the window. The only way she knew that she didn’t dream the whole thing was that she was in someone else’s bed.

She could lie in bed forever except she felt a gnawing hunger. Remembering the feast she saw the night before, she ventured to look for some food.

Another AI chatbot contribution.

As she wandered through the corridors, she couldn’t help but admire the castle’s beauty. It was like something out of a fairy tale, with its grand architecture, ornate furnishings, and sprawling gardens. She wondered what kind of family lived here and how they had come to possess such a magnificent home.

Eventually, she stumbled upon a large dining room, where a sumptuous breakfast buffet was laid out. Her mouth watered as she gazed at the assortment of fresh fruits, pastries, and cheeses (though she couldn’t help but eye the latter with a little suspicion).

As she helped herself to a plate of food, she heard a voice behind her.

“Good morning, my dear. I trust you slept well?”

Lily turned to see the mother from yesterday standing in the doorway, a warm smile on her face.

“I did, thank you,” Lily replied, feeling a little awkward. “And thank you for letting me stay here.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” the woman said, joining Lily at the table. “We’re always happy to help those in need, especially those who have fallen victim to my mother’s eccentricities.”

They chatted amicably as they ate, and Lily learned more about the family and their unusual situation. It seemed that the old woman was a distant relative who had been causing mischief for years, concocting strange recipes and casting spells that often backfired. The family had tried to reason with her, but she was a stubborn woman set in her ways.

“We’ve learned to take it all in stride,” the mother said with a laugh. “And who knows? Maybe one day she’ll accidentally stumble upon a recipe that doesn’t cause chaos.”

Lily couldn’t help but laugh along, feeling more at ease in this strange new world. She still wasn’t sure how she would find her way back home, but for now, she was content to enjoy the hospitality of this quirky and charming family.

I’m rather enjoying these contributions from AI

How do you do it? Do you put in the story so far and then ask the AI to add to it?

Only one error I can see, it says the old woman is a distant relative but we know she’s the mother/mother-in-law

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I started another story with my chatbot and thought it was funny. Feel free to add to it if you want.

Me: There was a sloth named Fred. He was a very happy sloth. He sat in a tree all day long, sleeping or just hanging around.

AI: One day, Fred woke up with a sudden burst of energy. He decided to climb down from his tree and explore the jungle around him. As he slowly made his way through the dense foliage, he stumbled upon a group of monkeys. They were amazed to see a sloth moving faster than they had ever seen before. “Wow, you’re a speedy sloth,” one of the monkeys exclaimed, impressed by Fred’s unusual quickness.

Fred, feeling a bit mischievous, decided to play along and show off his newfound speed. He chased after the monkeys, who were astonished by his unexpected agility. “I guess sloths aren’t always slow and lazy after all!” one of the monkeys giggled.

Me: The monkeys were impressed with Fred’s speed but was also amazed at his ability to slow down, relax and take things slow. They wanted to learn his secrets. They asked Fred how he did it.

AI: Fred, delighted by the monkeys’ curiosity, sat down and thought for a moment. Then, with a wide smile on his furry face, he replied, “Well, my dear friends, the secret is in the art of mindfulness and being in the present moment. As a sloth, I’ve learned that life is not a race, but a journey. The most important thing is to enjoy every moment, every branch, every leaf, and every breath.”

The monkeys, intrigued by Fred’s wisdom, pressed for more details. “But how do you do it, Fred? How can we learn to be more mindful and present like you?” they asked.

Fred thought for a moment before answering, “The key is to focus on your breath, on the sounds around you, on the feeling of the sun on your fur. When you learn to truly appreciate the beauty of the present moment, time slows down, and you start to see the world in a whole new way.”