I think if you marry again when you’re older and if there’s property and money from the previous marriage that you would want to go to your children rather than to your new husband/wife a pre-nup and a proper will are a good idea
No i re-married and have a decent amount in the bank.
I think i know my husband well enough to not worry about anything at all.
We rarely discuss money,he has his i have mine,i honestly havent a clue whats in his bank,and he would say the same.
Before marriage, I would discuss with my partner what provisions we would each make for our existing children/ families after we die and how we would provide for each other when one of us dies first, so we could organise re-writing our wills after marriage.
Then we would probably continue to hold our own accounts and assets separately and agree between us what contribution we would each put into our joint home and joint living expenses.
I would trust my partner to act fairly if we ever did split up after marriage, with each keeping our own assets and savings and dividing any joint assets equitably.
If I didn’t trust my partner’s financial probity and sense of fairness, I wouldn’t agree to marry them in the first place.
I didn’t marry with a prenup and as yet had no regrets about not having one. That said I did mention the subject a little while ago and she seemed to think would have been a good idea at the time. Although if I were to remarry, I would possibly think about it. Me and the wife have completely separate finances and we don’t question each other about it, although we have a rough idea what we are worth.
The nearest we get to it is when we plan holidays and talk about how we are going to split up the cost.
We have a joint account for bills and a small nest-egg in both our names in the event of a rainy day. At the moment, everything between us seems to be working.
After three marriages, I can truthfully and adamantly say I have no desire to ever try again.
No prenups, I went blindly along thinking to share whatever assets I had, and happy to do so.
My second hubby moved into my home with only a suitcase. That should have been the first clue.
Over seven years he ran up my credit cards, I signed him on as half owner of my home. I had hoped to make him know what was mine was his, and I guess he got the message.
I ended up buying back that half of the house, and paying off his debts after our divorce.
I learned a great deal from that fiasco…too bad I didn’t find someone as trusting and caring as I was.
Lesson learned…
Yes, I would definitely recommend a prenup to anyone and everyone. Then, if you want to distribute assets later, you can.
Believe me, you can never truly know another person . You may think you do but when love flies out the door the person you loved and adored turns into a complete stranger , someone you could never have imagined .