Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all your family photos?

I would rather lose all my pictures. I am not married, no childrens, any precious pictures of wildlife can eventually be replaced. No worries


Ive already started to give Photos away to family , Theres only the Property I have the family want , I dont put much value on things any more or money ,you dont take anything with you when you die .


It would be the easy choice of losing photos, as most of them could be replaced. I’m not in a place where I can replace money easily.

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If my wife left me I would loose all my money anyway, but after 52 years I guess she is going to stay with me


Many 35mm photo prints have been given away to the family. Rarely look at the albums that remain. When I do, it only makes me feel rather sad that those times have gone never to be regained.

There have been times of having little money to spare. I didn’t like it much and don’t want that again.

All things considered, I’d rather lose the photos.


When one of my dysfunctional family had occasion to actually sell off my late Grandads photos…can you imagine how I felt… my mother was alive at the time and she gave some of Grandads treasured photo’s to one of my children and I saw them on Ebay one time…A few years ago now but not something I wish to linger on. Grandad was a professional Photographer and worked during WW2 taking photos of the terrible terrible sights that War causes. As children we were never allowed to view these, obviously
…What you have not seen you can’t miss ,but it was the actions those two made that upset me.
…I have a box of photos that I look at a lot still…
…Often it’s most days I will spend a little time looking at some of them. Memories are important when they are good ones. Because I still spend time on Husbands Ancestry, which right now is going so well as I have made friends with a French relative who has my husband etc on her Ancestry Tree…she calls us Cousins haha…well we are about 9 removed …but she lives in Poitiers so that is a place we do go to because the shopping arcades are just like London Town, around me here it is rural and country side and people are very casually dressed in the main…Farmers of course as was always the land they worked on as far back as you can go in time.
…Photos I do think a lot of them and would miss them enormously but I can’t live without money. So Money Money Money…



When Mum and Dad passed away back in 2009 there were hundreds of photos, Dad was a keen photographer and processed his own photos. In their later years they travelled about a lot and took loads of photos of people I never knew, and places I didn’t recognise. Not being a very big and close family the photos were mainly of me growing up and my grandparents who passed away while I was very young. So when I sorted them out, I disposed of all the photos of (a) people I didn’t know and (b) scenic ones Dad took while on holiday.
With everyone possessing a smartphone today there is going to be godzillions of photos and film for the future generations. Fortunately, it is mostly stored electronically and can be deleted at the drop of a hat. If I wasn’t on a forum I don’t think I would ever look at most of the old photos except when we clean out a cupboard or dusty old shelf…I think my daughter will be faced with the same problems I faced and sling most of them away anyway.
It might be kinda nice to get rid of all the baggage and just live for today…But you need brass, and lots of it, so definitely, it will be the photos that get consigned to room 101…


I wouldn’t ever want to be in a position to choose. I would hate to lose my old photo’s - they tell the story of my life, and loved ones now passed, but memories remain, with or without them.

So i guess it would be the photos.


I love handling old photos, I mean real ones that you can actually pick up and touch. But photos don’t pay the rent or for a shopping trip to Sainsbury’s so I’ll keep the money please.


I don’t really do family photos. There are other family members that maintain the family tree, keep a record, albums full of formal standings. I’m a bit black sheep.


I would rather lose my family photos. I remember them all very clearly and don’t need the photos.


Photos are the past, money is the future.

I don’t need photos to remind me of the past, I’ve got a vivid memory, the past is a part of me, my make up, my personality.

As a keen amateur photographer, I always remember what Vivian Maier said, as an old woman, when asked, “What is your best photograph?”, she replied, “I don’t know, I haven’t taken it yet”.


Years ago the majority of my photos got eaten or damaged by rats while in storage …it’s sad but I don’t really miss them.


Photographs jog the memory, allowing for poignant reminiscences.
We can get by without them.

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I would rather lose all of my money. I can always earn more money in many ways.

But when the photos are gone, you can’t replace the time, event or visuals. I love my photo albums, and memories.


It would be a sad loss to lose all my photos but I would hate to lose all my results sheets, running journals, and cups, medals and other running memorabilia. I might have to reconsider my decision to keep the money… :thinking:


Awwww. >> Loosing Photos.Has been one of my greatest regrets & embarrassment.
Travel more sea miles than Columbus. More countries than Marco Polo…
Topping 500 photos. On “Cellulose Card framed Slides”. Neatly filed in metal boxes.
Had an occasion to store them, in the FE. for a year.
Retrieved, for an organised showing, circa 20 guests.
Only to discover. Combo of heat, humidity & rust. Had Ruined All.
“Egg on Face”. So much for NOT Showing Off.


At this point in time, photos mean a lot to me. This is a hard question. I would try and compromise and give up some money and valuables. :smiley:

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No, no, no. The question was all your money or photos :slightly_smiling_face:

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Haha, coming to an age where I color outside the lines quite a bit, use to people telling me no, so anything resulting from following rules 1 and 2, where it worked, bonus.