Would you rather live in a world without pizza or a world without ice cream?

Would you rather live in a world without pizza or a world without ice cream?

  • No pizza
  • No ice cream
0 voters

I am not fussed about pizza,I don’t dislike it but rarely have it however a world without Ice Cream? Kill me now!

Need my Raspberry Ripple

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Voted for ice cream since it’s unique whereas pizza is one dish among many after all though I like it.

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don’t do pizza, always ice cream in the freezer, usually have a blob after lunch with some fruit

I don’t really like pizza but my children and husband love it and getting a takeaway so much I wouldn’t deprive them so I had to give up my ice cream :scream:

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I could live without both, unless we’re talking the real thing, homemade. Then I’d say pizza wins.


A harsh question indeed!
I couldn’t go without proper pizza, all those lovely spicy toppings, a sad loss.

As for the ice cream …do lollies count?



Depends what type of pizza and what flavour of ice cream.

If it was between a meat feast pizza with extra pepperoni and strawberry ice cream, then I couldn’t do without either of them.

Do they still do Arctic Roll? I can’t get them here.Proper restaurant pizzas are ok but I could survive without either.

Highly commendable but it must have set the women’s movement back 20 years. :grinning:

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I don’t think so unless there was cream in it. Cream is in the word.

On a similar thought, I’m lactose intolerant so I wondered if other non-dairy milks count.

While I’m on that thought, does it count as pizza with no cheese?

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In that case I’ll ditch the ice cream and keep the lollies and pizza. And yes, there simply HAS to be cheese on pizza butterscotch! I’m mortified that you could even think otherwise, blimey , I had to sit down in my armchair and compose myself after reading your post… shocking!:wink:

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Never mind Pizza or Ice cream, a world without war would be nice

I don’t care what they say, I won’t stay in a world without love