Would you give flowers to someone who has a cold?

I wouldl stand at arms length with a bunch of stalks in front of a person with a cold

i just read that someone took flowers to their father in hospital, i ave had more than my share of hospital time but never ever had flowers…
ha any of you ladies ever bought a man flowers?

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I love flowers give them to me anytime…I can understand though if you are living alone and feeling poorly not having the motivation to be bothered displaying them etc.

Nope I’ve never given a man flowers…I’ve given plants for the garden though…keep em busy :wink:

Yes I’ve bought a man a single red rose .

Smoothie… i have bought flowers for many ladies…
in India i bought one lady a red rose…bush…lol
so every time she waters her garden [every day] she thinks of me

a cold what?