Would you buy a robotic lawn mower?

Would you buy one? :slight_smile:

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No, my lawn’s far too big for one.

I already have one - Katarina :lol: Or should that be cyborg lawnmower?

I bought one two weeks ago. Very satisfied.

How much do you want for it, pauline?

Have you got acres and acres then.

This machine works on acres of lawn, just viewed it on YouTube.

They work on massive lawns as well, I was surprised, they also improve the quality of the grass.

I don’t have a lawn, i will recommend to my friend, who has problems mowing her lawn, because of disabilities.


Will it avoid dog bones ,toys ,bird baths old flower pots and half empty bags of compost ?

Look it up…most people don’t have that amount of stuff on their lawns.

Although I’m sure a good many do…

I don’t think Joe bloggs with his unkempt garden, would even think about buying this beauty.

Only for the avid gardeners who like a show lawn…they even get out their scissors to trim the edging,some are such perfectionists.

Naw, I have 3 big lawns to cut I could actually do with a big sit on mower. :100:

They are brilliant,I’ve seen folk on YouTube using them…they seem to love it…like a toy to some…expensive toy.:slight_smile:

My lawn is mostly moss. With bits of grass trying it’s best to survive.