Would a post about interesting people be popular?

Just a glimmer…

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Most famous people I find rather self-regarding and un genuine, often narcissistic, helping themselves to gongs and high status roles on hosts of Boards of NGO’s etc, using their titles for advantage.

Someone I thoroughly respect went to Ko Samui, Thailand and now takes in / looks after many stray dogs.

Liam Gallagher got his rescue from him



Not sure I should post this. Where The “Holier that Tho” Dwell. :grin:
An unjustly Imprisoned and Convicted punter amongst you. :innocent:
Stage set 1955 .
Era of Teddy Boys and American servicemen, waiting to go home.
Teddy Boys well cheesed off, by being turned down for a dance at the local Ballroom.
The local girls, well into Hollywood Romance Movies And plumbing for the GI’s.
Villainy Commencing.
A dust up at between both. One Railway Police Officer trying to stop. Laying back to the wall and being threatened by the Teds.
Yours truly and best pal. Retuning from Boxing Club. Blazer and Shorts style.
Piled in covering the downed officer.
Fast forward.
A cavalry of Police Officers arrive. Civil and Military. ALL locals arrested and carted off to cells for piecemeal statements.
“Not us Guv., we were protecting the downed officer”. That didn’t cut the custard.
Although released 3 hrs later 3am. Arrived home, got a blasting from Father for being out so late. Anxious not to enlarge, in the heat of the moment. scarpered to bed.
Two days later at Magistrate’s Court. Downed PC not there. ALL fined £5 ! Note. As a Student Apprentice pay packet was a princely 19/6p
Although not actually named, when the weekly rag came out. Father also figured it out. And wasn’t well pleased.
The Maggot in the woodwork was 2 yrs later. And Conscription or Regular Went for latter. Despite “Mmmm, so you have a conviction”!
Only saved by the :bell: for having been a reservist.
Have often been asked. “Would you go to help similar again”.
Fortunately never had an occasion to test.


I stumbled onto this remarkable Project 365 in 2022.
Campbell Remess started his teddy bear craft-making hobby when he was only 9 years old. Now a teen, his one-of-a-kind collection has grown into the thousands, but you won’t find his bears on a shelf at home.
His mission of kindness has the sole purpose of donating his creations to put a smile on the faces of sick children and uplift their spirits.
The young boy’s work began one day when he was Christmas shopping with his mother. He asked if they could purchase a few presents for sick children in hospitals. His mother had to decline as the family, which included nine children, could simply not afford the extra cost. Campbell told his mother not to worry — he would make the toys himself.

“I hadn’t sewn anything before. The first time, it took a lot of practice,” Campbell recalled.

Campbell hijacked his mother’s sewing machine and got straight to work. He learned to create the stuffed animals by trial and error, using free patterns and the internet for instructions. It took him five hours to make his first bear, which he described as “a ratty, wiggly bear.” With much practice and persistence, he was able to cut his time down to one hour per bear, and he began turning out unique, vibrant-colored bears that kids love to cuddle.
Throughout his youth, while most other children were playing video games or skateboarding, Campbell was hunched over a sewing machine, crafting stuffed animals. What drives his hard work is witnessing firsthand how a child transforms when they are gifted a teddy bear. Each child’s eyes light up with joy, and for a moment, they forget their illness.

“They smile, and some hug me. It makes their whole day better,” said Campbell, describing how children typically react when he hands them their customized bear. He believes each bear instills a sense of hope in the receiver.
Campbell’s mother, Sonia, said her son would be sewing all the time if allowed. The young boy personally delivers his bright, colorful, soft and very huggable teddy bears to a local hospital every week.
Campbell at 12 years of age

Campbell made an extra special teddy for his father, Nathan, who was diagnosed with cancer. When his father’s cancer returned, Campbell gave Nathan a bear named Winner to motivate and awaken the fighter in him.

“Cancer gets worse with stress, so I made him the bear so he could get rid of the cancer,” said Campbell.

His father, in turn, said his son’s kind mission has taught him to get up and move forward with a positive mindset every day, no matter the circumstances.

“There’s a little bit of magic in them (the bears), but there is a lot of magic in Campbell,” said his proud father, overcome with emotion.

After his story aired on Australian television, the young boy started his own organization, Project 365 by Campbell. People around the world have donated money to assist him on his teddy bear mission. With these gifts, he now donates toys to children in crisis all over the world.

His bears have become so popular that some are auctioned off, with the proceeds going toward sending children with cancer and their families on “Kindness Cruises” that offer the families a much-needed escape from their medical battles.

During the pandemic, Campbell — now 16 years old and beginning college — launched his own YouTube channel to instruct others on how to sew so that they too could be creative during downtime. And he is bringing his kindness to new groups in need with the “Inside Out Bears” project to teach incarcerated individuals to sew bears, too.

Campbell said he believes that kindness can change the world. PassItOn and The Foundation For A Better Life couldn’t agree more. We believe Campbell Remess is a true hero for uplifting sick children and easing the fear and anxiety of people in need. His action is a great example of the value of kindness. As he demonstrates, one small idea can generate a huge impact. Please help us honor this young hero by sharing his story of how renewed hope can be spread through kindness in action.

Campbell Remess: The Heroes of Project 365

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American physicist Professor Julius Sumner Miller was the brilliant and wonderfully mad professor who introduced young Australian television viewers to science with his famous signature question, “Why is it so?”

Born in Billerica, Massachusetts, of immigrant small-farming parents, father Latvia, mother Lithuania, he studied at Boston University and went on to give more than 30,000 lectures around the world.
He was educated at local schools and at Boston University and the University of Idaho.

Employed by Dillard University, New Orleans and El Camino College, California, Miller worked in their physics departments. He was a visiting lecturer at the US Air Force Academy. In addition to recording science shows in the USA, he appeared on popular television programs, including ‘The Groucho Marx Show’, Walt Disney’s ‘Mickey Mouse Club’ and Johnny Carson’s ‘The Tonight Show’.

From 1962 to 1986 Miller made twenty-seven visits to Australia, primarily to give demonstrations and lectures at the annual science school for high-school students in the physics department at the University of Sydney.
The lectures were televised for years. He also presented a television program entitled ‘Why Is It So?’ for the ABC.
Delighting in showing ‘how Nature worked its wondrous ways’, he rarely offered any detailed explanations. He preferred to encourage his audience to seek the answers.
Bubbling with infectious enthusiasm not normally associated with the serious scientist, he brought each presentation to life with details of the history of the subject and the origins and meanings of the words used to describe it.
Each session had a strong element of drama and was punctuated loudly with phrases such as ‘Watch it now! Watch it!’ or ‘He who is not stirred by the beauty of it is already dead!’.
He set traps to keep people on their toes; he would ask members of the audience to verify that a glass was empty and then berate them for not noticing that it was full of air.
He was deep, forthright, aggressive, brusque, and more than a little scary, but a generation of children grew up watching the professor on Australian television as he popularised science through simple household experiments.
He made science accessible to everybody and turned the boring things you learned at school into fun.
In the lecture theatre or on the television screen, the professor was an awesome sight in full cry. He gesticulated, he talked all around the subject, he brushed his hands through his hair. Boiled eggs were sucked into milk bottles. Candles were lit and extinguished for lack of oxygen.

He was well published, among them Why is it so? - 1971, The Kitchen Professor 1972; Enchanting Questions for Enquiring Minds 1982; and his autobiography, The Days of My Life 1989. He also had scores of articles in the The American Journal of Physics; Demonstrations in Physics 1969.

Professor Miller was diagnosed with leukaemia in early March 1987 and died at his home in Los Angeles in April of the same year. He was 78.

“I find this place where I get the mostest light – the mostest light. The mostest.
That’s the superlative of ‘most’. I’m reciting something of Euclid. Beautiful, you should read it.
‘Normal’ does not mean ‘ordinary’ or ‘commonplace’. It means ‘perpendicular’ in our language”.

I think Professor Julius Sumner Miller is well deserved of a place on this post about interesting people.
** Electric shock prank with Professor Julius Sumner Miller - Why Is It So?​**

Professor Julius Sumner Miller - Australian TV Ad Commercial 1981

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There’s this bloke too.I first listened to him late at night back in the UK.

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A couple of years ago I was able to ask a question on local radio and have it answered by Dr Karl Kruszelnicki.
I put to him the question, "Will humans ever be able to travel outside our Solar System considering the enormous distances and our current speed of travel.
His short answer was YES.
Not with our current technology but when we can develop Nuclear Fusion Rockets that will enable speeds of up to 3000 km/second or 10 Million kmh.
Something to look forward to.

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Watched his Progs on the Tele for years…Amazing Guy wot else can one say…but we are so appreciative what your life has done for Kangaroo’s…oh and Roger!


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Moments From After Life That Will Warm Your Heart | Netflix


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Ricky Gervais

Comedian and actor

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Total Aussie theme this post.
Don Bradman
Knighted by King George VI in 1949, Sir Donald Bradman is regarded by many as the greatest batsman in the history of cricket and was one of Australia’s most revered sporting personalities.
Born at Cootamundra, New South Wales, in 1908, the fifth and youngest child of George Bradman and Emily.
The Bradman family moved to Bowral in 1911 and took its place in the activities of the local community. Cricket was one of the district’s popular sports and the young Don Bradman showed an interest from an early age.
When there was no-one to play cricket with him, he devised his own way of perfecting various techniques, using a cricket stump to hit a golf ball thrown against the tank-stand at the rear of the Bradman house.

(eye like a gimlet - someone who is sharp-eyed or observant to the nth degree;)
At the age of twelve, he scored his first century for Bowral High School; at seventeen he was the youngest member of the Bowral cricket team, where his ability to make runs broke the club’s records.

Don Bradman played in 52 Test matches for Australia from 1928 to 1948. World War II interrupted his career at its peak.

He batted 80 times against England, the West Indies, South Africa and India for 6996 runs at that average of 99.94.

Bradman made 29 Test hundreds.

Discounting his 10 not outs and his multiple hundreds, this means Bradman exceeded the century more often than every third time he went out to bat.

His nearest contemporary in batting genius, England’s Walter Hammond, made only 253 more runs in 33 more Test matches and another 60 innings at an average of 41 less than Bradman. Hammond’s 22 hundreds came at a rate greater than every sixth time he went out to bat.

Bradman made 12 Test double-centuries or more, with 334 and 304 against England and 299 not out against South Africa the highest.

In all first-class cricket Don Bradman scored 28,067 runs at an average of 95.14 with 117 centuries and a highest score of 452 not out. He hit 37 double-centuries, six of them over 300.

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England were so frustrated by him they introduced Bodyline bowling.Aiming at the batsman not the wickets.
There was a good TV series in the 80’s about it.Fictional but still quite accurate I think

This is a famous quote from it.

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It was a very effective strategy to get rid of - or at least curtail - their nemesis, Bradman.
Not really in the spirit of the game which is one of the reasons the law was changed in 1935 to allow umpires to step in if bowlers were engaging in intimidatory bowling.

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