
Hallo, new girl here, treat me gently! I’m an ex-Saggyzoner looking to make friends and enjoy a good chat, but nothing too heavy. Likes - well number one must be holidays, especially abroad, so you’ll usually find me saving up my pennies for the next trip! Also I love my babies - one is 8 and the other is nearly 17 - not a bad age for a dachshund!
Hates - the cold, and going to the gym, but it has to be done!
Didn’t want to use the same name as I did on Saggy, and the name Trixie popped into my head (my! it was lonely there!) probably because my favourite telly programme has to be New Tricks. Do you get that in the US and Oz?
I’m originally from London, now exiled to Kent (but the sea views are nice!)

Good afternoon Trixie darlin’ and welcome from another exiled Lunnener


Hello Trixie :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to the forum, I hope you’ll enjoy your time here with us!

Hello gal - welcome from Pats …:slight_smile:

Hello Trixie, a very warm welcome to you.:slight_smile:

Hi and welcome Trixie from Kent all the way to Kent.

Hello and welcome from me too. :slight_smile:


Nice to meet ya

Hi Trixie - and welcome from me too :slight_smile: