World War II box set

WW2 was not about the Jews, they were incidental !!
If you watch the old newsreels you can see a huge number of
Germans wanted war, and rejoiced at perceived victories ??


Your dad probably knew my uncle Ted then Keezoy ??
He did the whole bit, north Africa/ Egypt/ Alamein/ Greece/ Sicily
and Italy where he got wounded at Monte casino !!
I have also watched some of the Lawrence Olivier footage and it
did seem authentic l must say ??
Sorry about blowing my uncle Teds trumpet but he deserved it !!


Absolutely DM…Blow away…He does deserve it. :slight_smile: My Dad was with the 2/32nd AIF infantry division in North Africa. He was wounded twice. Second time at El Alamein was serious and they brought him home. He didn’t ever talk of any British he knew but he had family from the US in the Marines and the Navy who fought all over the Pacific theatre. My Dad was only first generation Australian.

Although I was born in 1950 five years after WW2 was over, the evidence of it was all around us during my childhood. My home island had been invaded by the Germans and 13 of them lived in our house.

No it doesn’t.

Good on him. Keezoy, sounds like he had a tough time?
The squaddies were the real hero’s !!
They not only had to fight Gerrie, they had to put up with some
shyte leaders !!
In the British forces anyway ??
Apparently Monty was ok though ?


Tabby, IMO it is not necessary to become a university level scholar in order to have an excellent overview of WW2. Nor is it necessary to read Mien Kampf.
I suspect that you could get all of the information you desire simply by watching a certain selection of movies/videos. That said, you should be aware that SOME of those films are made for entertainment purposes and NOT meant to educate.

Certainly, the series, “The World at War” is an excellent place to start.

If you have any specific interests, I for one, would be happy to offer ideas on where to start. WW2, is after all a wide ranging topic. Broadly speaking, WW2 may be broken down into 2 main topics: The European War and The Pacific War. What happened in each of those 2 theaters have totally different causes and events.

Thank you, Bakerman, I will see how I get on with these DVDs and will happily come back to you for more information. I love to learn.

Weren’t you evacuated RJG ??
If so where to ??
And how did you get on ??


I was born after the war in 1950. My father and his siblings were evacuated in 1939. He met my English mother in Cheshire, they married in 1947, two years after he had gone back home and started his business.

Although there are thousands, nay millions, of authentic written sources available, the one I use as a ready reference is Wikipedia:


Shirer’s rise and fall of the third reich is very good. He was an american journalist who was allowed to stay in Germany until the US declared war. Very detailed insightful history right from the 20s onwards and very well written.

Yes, of course the Americans won.

Mind you, I think that we British played a minor part, at least until 1942! :lol:

Thing is that WW2 in addition to WW1 needs to be viewed on two levels. Firstly the reasons for war being declared and secondly the incredible bravery and sacrifice by the armed forces on both sides. Also that both sides were guilty of war crimes. BOTH SIDES.

Speaking as an American, I don’t know that I’d say, “The American’s won”. It is true, however, that the awesome industrial might of America, served to fortify Britain and enable her to win her 1st great victory in North Africa. Specifically, in Egypt/Libya. And, finally, with American help, complete victory in Tunisia and all of North Africa

I’m not disagreeing because I really can’t be sure, but can you cite any British examples?

The one that sticks in my mind are the Rheinwiesenlager and the role that the Allies had in their creation.

There’s quite a lot of details now emerging that at the very least form a starting point to dig deeper.

Yes, I suppose that we might look upon the fire bombing of Dresden, (BY BOTH BRITISH AND AMERICAN AIR FORCES) and the killing of 135,000 German civilians as a “war crime”. However, when you are in a bloody street fight and fighting for your very life, where EXACTLY do you draw the line ?

Of course the aggressor that caused so much suffering was not expected to get off lightly. Stalin certainly ensured that.

All allegedly Todger??
They had human rights lawyers in those days as well you know ??
If l had liberated Dachau l would definitely have machine gunned a
few Gerries too??
