World naked Gardening day today :)

I know you that there are cultural differences between our countries, but I really don’t understand why you all expect your vegetables to wear clothes.

I can’t even imagine what it must be like to get melon vines through the armholes of shirts and keep hats on tomatoes. Sweaters (jumpers) on cucumbers? Abusive!!!

Further, to exploit naked cacti, fruit and vegetables (the way God intended) by mocking them in shared photographs seems especially cruel.

Sorry, but my tomatoes, eggplants, limes, peppers, and plants will continue to live and thrive as God intended - in all their naked glory! I have every intention of teaching them to be proud of their bodies, while affording them their privacy.

Get those awful clothes off those poor veggies and offer them more respect. For shame!

How cruel to dress vegetables up, there should be a vegetable protection society.:mrgreen:


If you have photos of your naked cucumbers or unclothed clematis please do feel free to share :slight_smile:

I would, but they are terribly shy!


I don’t go naked in my garden but often in my boxers - I have a 6ft fence all round so I don’t frighten the horses.

That must certainly be my ‘post of the year’ Primus, bloody awesome mate…

Ta, glad it raised a smile

Now I know what’s really going on in all those “garden shows” :cool:.