Who’s watching? There’s been a few surprises so far.
What team are you supporting?
I don’t like Football, but if I had to support a team it would be England
I’m really not into football. I have a passing interest when England qualifies and may watch highlights if they manage to get some place towards the final. I may actually watch the final if we are in it.
But it seems this year it’s been marred with controversy given where it’s taken place. On that score, I won’t be watching any of it.
I am not watching any of it,imo it should not be played in such a broken barbaric country.
I’m boycotting the Soccer World Cup.
What’s a World Cup without .
But my word…
Okay fine, I’m watching
Spain or Brazil
for the win!
I tried out for the soccer team in high school. I thought I was going to have a heart attack with all of that running and kicking.
I watched England’s and Germany’s first match. England did well and Germany failed yet again. Since Germany is very likely to pack up after the group stage I might watch the matches of the Lions. I agree the Cup shouldn’t have been allotted to such a country in the first place. No fun.
Spain after tonight for me
I am making a point of not watching any of it.
I think it’s disgraceful that Qatar, a country which practises human rights abuses gets to host an international sports event.
I wouldn’t support any of it, on principle.
It seems to be more about workers rights, gay rights, human rights, arm band rights, not enough beer, and the corrupt FIFA’s inability to organise a drinks party in a brewery.
… or is it just me?
So far I’ve managed to miss every single part of it. For me, even re-runs of old comedies on BBC4 are far superior entertainment.
All I can say is that thank gawd Australia never gets past the first round so soccer and its World Cup sinks back into the oblivion from whence it came, never to be heard of again for another four years.
I enjoyed seeing the delight of the Japanese when they beat Germany. I hope Wales do well (I’m not Welsh)
As much as we disapprove of Qatar’s human rights record by boycotting watching the games on tv we are neither changing their laws or adding to their wealth so rather pointless.
So, Canada versus Belgium.
Canada was by far the better team but they just couldn’t find the back of the net. Such a pity! Belgium delivered.
The manager, John Herdman needs to spent less time in front of the mirror and more time with his strikers. #justsaying
Bored with it already.
I’ll just stick with real football!
Portugal versus Ghana
Ghana played well but was defeated in the end. 5 goals in the second half. BuMpEr second half - goals wise.
Portugal doesn’t appear to be in top form in my opinion.
It’s wonderful to see the differing styles of football from around the world. Let’s see who has the best fancy football and the stamina to deliver a blow to the back of the net.
Next up Brazil versus Serbia.
Rest in peace
Canny get one in the back of the net against the yanks…
Rest in peace
Canny get one in the back of the net against the Yanks…