I do enjoy the word games, but yes…I’m irritated that they feel the need to use American words. There are plenty of words to choose from that are spelled exactly the same way on either side of the ocean!
Please read this so you will understand why Wordle leans towards the American version.
But at Wordle’s heart, Wardle says he was “literally just making a game for my partner, and I made some decisions that we would like.”
Who is his partner?
Little is known about Wardle’s partner, for whom he initially created Wordle.
What we do know is that she is called Palak Shah, and is American, a fact that infamously ruffled the feathers of British players a number of weeks back.
The word ‘favor’ was included as one of the game’s answers, but using the American spelling and omitting the U of the British English version so as to make it a five-letter word.
Wardle explains that, because he made the game for Shah, “it’s very focused on what she knows and doesn’t know.”
“I was chatting with her this morning actually about, ‘How do you feel about the favor thing?’ And she was like, ‘I’m American. You made the game for me.’”
I understand. I don’t suppose he expected it to go as viral as it did across the world. And I think ALL the words are already in the game, so it not as if changes could be made to words now anyway.
Thank you RN for explaining I appreciate it
Still going to grumble a bit though…I’ll just do it under my breath in future
Not all words will be American spelling though, they do spell a lot the same as us.
Is Wordle American too, as so far not come across American spelling, but I’ve not been playing it for long?
Personally I don’t mind if the odd word is a US spelling, it doesn’t make the game any less interesting. To my mind it’s just another five letter word to find.
I can’t understand why folk grumble about Wordle having “American spellings” - the guy who invented it may be Welsh but he lives in New York - and if his girlfriend is American, why wouldn’t he use American spellings?
It seems an obvious choice for him.
It makes it more challenging for us Brits who like U in our favors, though!