I’m not as clever and have to put two words in, usually …
SNARE … and … MOUTH … and from them I can usually get guessing.
Wordle 269 3/6
Yay. A good one today.
Good for me too!
Wordle 269 3/6
Wordle 270 5/6
Fabulous Wordle!
Wordle 270 3/6
Quordle…please place yourself in the bin by the door.
Daily Quordle #51
Average wordle
Wordle 270 4/6
But Quordle, you are not in my good books today
Daily Quordle #51
Not great on wordle today, to many choices for missing letter
Wordle 270 5/6
but pleased with my Quordle effort
Daily Quordle #51
Wordle 270 3/6 An improvement on my usual 4.
Daily Quordle #51 And as for this, another one where you get all but one letter only to find that there are several words which fit and all you can do is work your way through them!
Wordle 270 5/6
Wordle 270 5/6
Daily Quordle #51
A measly attempt today…
Wordle 270 5/6
Doing better!
Wordle 270 3/6
Daily Quordle #51
Only just made the Wordle today …
Wordle 270 6/6
Daily Quordle #51
A bit better on this one.
Daily Quordle #51
Wordle 270 4/6
I tried 2 others before the solution!
I have to say my words were superior
Wordle 270 5/6
Wordle 271 6/6
Oh Wordle, such a shame
Wordle 271 X/6
But lookit you Quordle! 2 words!
Daily Quordle #52
Wordle 271 4/6