@flowerpower, one you get the reply box up, then either right click or tap with two fingers together (depending on device) and the paste option should come up.
Wordle 261 1/6
Got it in one.
Wordle 261 3/6
An improvement on my usual 4.
As for this, the bottom-right one is a cheat! It is an American word, not British.
(The British word has only four letters.)
Daily Quordle #42
Skill!! It came from a mixture of prayer, magic crystals, a scented burner and my inspiration gong.
The cheating bit of working it out on a different browser had nothing to do with it lol.
Will do it properly tomorrow but I fancied having a bit of fun today.
My apologies. I take it back. It wasn’t a fluke.
It was a cheat!
Sorry, missed this earlier. Pixie has explained how to do it though, and I hope that has helped. Please note, it’s not the orange ‘reply’ button that you click/press twice! You just click that once to open the reply box. Then you either (depending on device) ctrl+v to paste the answer into the box OR you double tap in the box area to open up the little window which says ‘cut, copy, paste…’ and tap on paste.
Wordle 261 4/6
Daily Quordle #42
Wordle 261 3/6
Daily Quordle #42
Just made it!
Wordle 261 3/6
Down to my last go, got all but one letter & two letters to chose from, could be either word & I picked the wrong letter. Rats!!!
Aye, it’s a proper bugger when that happens.
Daily Quordle #42
Wordle 261 3/6
Still can’t do it Bathsheba! Nothing comes up to tell me to Paste.
Wordle 261 2/6
I did it at last! Thanks everyone for helping! Xx