Wood saws - what are the differences?

Huh! And I aint in the mood for your wit tonight either, Nomster!
Wish I hadn’t taken my old one over the tip now.

Gonna put the damn thing back in the shed and have to buy another one I think. :frowning:

if a woodpecker could peck wood, how much wood would a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood?

answer A woodpecker would peck all the wood he could peck if a woodpecker could peck wood

You been on the vino Bazza? :lol:

Saws and saw baldes are specifed in terms of “teeth per inch” (TPI). Sounds like you have one with few TPI, perhaps meant for cutting green wood.

As a general puposes cuts everything saw; have you considered buying a hack saw? That’s what I would choose if I was getting stranded on a desert island and only allowed one universal saw. Should be quite cheap and you can easily change the blades to you always have a sharp one.

Thanks Ross.
Fed up looking at the darn thing tonight. Will give that some thought tomorrow though. :slight_smile:

Take a look at this typical hacksaw http://www.homebase.co.uk/en/homebaseuk/craftright-300mm-adjustable-tubular-hacksaw-373666. Wickes and Wilco will do something similar.

That’s a pretty cheap one, but might be ok to try it out.
The blade is 24 tpi and will cut nicely through wood, metal, plastic etc with no great effort.

I don’t believe you’re having any problems with a saw whatsoever, Mupsy.
But top points for coming up with another thread that get’s them talking.
Anyhoo, how ya gettin’ on with ya new chainsaw?:lol:

Now listen Ploppy dear, you must not doubt me when I tell you I have a problem. I’ll have you know I was right fed up with the bloomin’ thing yesterday.

However, because of what some of you men have told me, I now realise I have bought the wrong saw.
Tpin’s link on all different saw blades has opened a whole new world I never knew existed. :smiley:
I honestly never dreamed there were different TPI on blades, did you know that?

Only thing now is, I don’t really understand the difference is between soft and hard wood still? How do I know which is which when I see a length of wood in B & Q? It is never lablelled soft or hard? They should label it. Women’s logic, so simple. :slight_smile:

Oh gawd Mups,I know nothing about saws,but You do have Me laughing out loud with Your escapades…You’re a breath of fresh air on here :lol: :-p :wink:

Like i always told my apprentices just ask, no shame to admit you dont know, better than making a mistake, always some bods in B&Q, usually older folks who have the job to aid folks.

Hi Mups.

For a general hand saw, you can’t go wrong with an IRWIN, available from most of the DIY shops. They are relatively cheap and last quite a long time. Just get one with fine teeth and you will be ok.

It doesn’t need to be labelled, Darling. All you have to do is sit on it, and you will soon know whether it is hard or soft wood.
Mind you, check for splinters first.:wink:

Ps, can’t believe how many sawteeth experts we have on OFF.:lol:

It’s unlikely you will find hardwood in B&Q or Homebase unless it’s for a specific purpose for instance stair parts.

You will find soft wood and treated wood which is used for outdoors. If you buy a length of wood from one of these stores, look down the length of it to see if it is straight or bent. Most wood from these stores are bent and useless but you can find the occasional piece that’s ok.


Enough is enough Mups.

Order a General Purpose saw from Toolstation.

Any order over £10 is delivered free of charge.

I will put it on my account to make it up to £10.

Are you saying you would buy me a new saw Swims?

What a kind treasure you are.

See chaps . . that’s the way to a gal’s heart.
It’s not always done with flowers. :smiley:

Now she tells us, and I spent a fortune on flowers and chocolate.:blush:

You big fibber Plopsy. :lol:

You could play ‘Hearts & flowers’ on it. :lol:

Thank you all very much for your help and advice.
You’re a grand bunch. x x

Well it’s true. I think I accidentally sent them to the girl I met 2 weeks ago.:frowning: