Wonderful customer service!

To set the scene.
As many of you know - I love to cook. I am also a great fan of the chef Darina Allen. If ever I won the Lotto I would be on the first 'plane to Cork to study at her excellent Cookery School. In 2009 she made a DVD - "Food and Fables of Ireland"along with the writer, Stephen Walsh, and I have been trying for ages to find a copy - tracked one down in USA via Amazon - and was so excited when it arrived. Then came a small disappointment. Although it clearly stated that the recipes presented could be printed out - for some reason that option would not work.

On the back of the DVD box was the address of the producers - Millbank Studios, Dublin. Googled them and found an email address - took a chance and emailed them this morning to ask for advice.

Imagine my delight when I received the following reply:-


Thanks for your email. We no longer stock that DVD. I do however have a PDF of the recipes which I have attached here. Happy cooking Enjoy.

Kind regards,

Sinead Hanna
Millbrook Studios


Now that is what I call exceptional Costumer Service.

Excuse me - am heading for the kitchen!!


Enjoy, ST.

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That’s lovely ST, enjoy your recipes.

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How very kind of them, Tabby. :+1:

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Well done them, it’s so nice when you get the personal touch

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How lovely. That is what Customer Service should be like.
I love it when people take the time to be helpful.
Just a few minutes of their time and a tiny bit of effort can mean so much to the person they are helping.

Happy Cooking! :woman_cook:

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