Women could be redundant?

Scientists create mice with TWO biological fathers for the first time - in breakthrough that could pave way for gay men to have children in future. This was a by-product of research to try to eradicate Turner’s syndrome which only affects women.

Is there going to be another Lockdown?

Every time those pesky scientists start dabbling. :grin: :icon_wink:

Hasn’t there also been similar results in turning skin cells into stem cells and then into sperm ?..
though I’m not sure progress along that avenue has resulted in any live births yet.

The theory goes that stem cell manipulation could be injected straight into a womb, making the whole notion of sexual reproduction between biological man and woman a thing of the past …
But for a less ‘natural’ or conventional gestation all that’s needed then is to replicate a suitable amniotic sac for a feotus to develop in … I think this too might already have been attempted using sheep.

Strange , in this era of transgenderism and non-binary it’s almost as if society, for once, is pre-empting science rather than the other way around.

Extract from the article -
“They turned those cells into eggs and used sperm from male mice to fertilize them in the laboratory.

The process led to the birth of more than a half-dozen healthy mice pups.”

The bit in between those two stages involved implanting the eggs into the uterus of a female mouse for the eggs to develop into mice, so the female is not redundant yet! - they still needed the female mouse for the gestation part of the process.


Us gals redundant never ! who’s going to match the socks and put them back in the sock drawer.
Or be ready with the Lemsip when man flu hits you chaps.


You match socks ? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


So, it’s really clever, there’s going to have to be a debate over if and when it should be used?

Lots of ethical issues. A bit like IVF and storing embryos, it means a lot of embryos get created and stored quite long term which are never used and eventually destroyed

How do the anti abortionists feel about that?

It would break my heart to know I had embryos with the potential to be born, my children, kept in storage and then destroyed

On the other hand, I’ve never understood egg donation

The children created by the eggs you give away are as much yours as the children you choose to keep and raise. I’d be awake at night worrying if they were OK and happy

So at least this would prevent the need for women to give away their eggs.

I guessed this would be coming when they discovered the sex of a baby could be arranged by sperm segregation via an electronic process.
It brings same sex couple into a new meaning.

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The first man to give birth will put all the others off is my guess.

The more you think about it though … it surely is the way to go for the human race.
We seem to be hitting a crossroads, or a fork in evolution and development in a few areas … not least of which renewable energy and how the planet and it’s resources, can move forward.

The same with the concept of male and female, evolution and reproduction.
It’s no longer a case of male and female or heterosexualism or homosexualism as it was in the last millenium, perhaps more telling over the last decade, rather than sexual preference it’s now become a serious issue of sexual self-identification.
And these people, whether in a relationship or not may well want children of their own … and it will be possible from skin or stem cell.

Transgenderism and non-binary will surely one day benefit more from this new procedure than a same sex gay couple.
I’m one of those who used to believe a female and masculine role model was pretty muh necessary for a childs upbringing.
Society is changing.
Follow the logical conclusion to these new medical advances and perhaps one day even a natural born human from a pregnant women, or even a man, will become a thing of the past.

Perhaps the terms mother and father will be redundant too as the distinction between the two sexes is becoming increasingly more blurred.

Perhaps that won’t last long … you get the idea that one day natural birth, from a man with a uterus or from a biologically born woman … will one day become redundant too.
All that’s missing for the next stage is a substitute womb.

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Will that lead to an imbalance between male and female babies being born, I wonder?

If people can choose, especially in cultures where they prefer boys?

Thinking about it. If people can choose to have only boy babies

And then those boy babies can have babies themselves, without a female egg

And if they can come up with a surrogate womb instead of inside a woman

Then women really could be redundant in cultures that consider men superior and women defective

Or women could just be seen as incubators, bred only to carry men’s boy babies?

There’s a science fiction film in there somewhere!

“male pregnancy would certainly be possible” by having an embryo implanted in a man’s abdomen – with the placenta attached to an internal organ such as the bowel growth would, however, be very dangerous and potentially fatal for the host, and is therefore unlikely to be studied in humans”

So it could be possible but too dangerous at the moment - but medical knowledge and techniques move on space, probably one day?

Never in my world. I could not not survive without my blondie and I know she feels the same about me :heart: We are equals!

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:heart: You are a nice man, but misogynists and misogynist cultures still abound

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I would not want to be an embryo again, not in these crazy times. :icon_wink:

The Handmaid’s Tale?

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Do they burn their Bra’s?

I think we men like our wimmin as they are…:slight_smile: