Withdrawal symptoms

Carol, didn’t you have that awful polymyalgia rheumatica?

If you’re suffering shouldn’t you be on steroids, they put my mum on them as she was in agony…so sorry to hear you are suffering with so much pain…

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Yes I’ve got PMR (Polymyalgia Rheumatica) & I’m on steroids. It’s completely under control.

It’s the other problems that are causing me pain - Trochanteric Bursitis which I was using these opioid pain patches for. Surprisingly, the steroids I take for PMR do not help the bursitis… Now I’ve stopped using the patches the bursitis has got worse & I have the addition of withdrawal symptoms!!

It’s the withdrawal symptoms that bother me most - not the pain, but the mood swings, weepiness & irrational behaviour. I’m not going to the doctor for more drugs such as antidepressant - I’m going to sit it out & hope I feel more normal soon.

At least I know what’s causing it so that’s a help…


Aww Carol, wish I could give you a cuddle, I hope the symptoms subside soon,(((((( gentle hugs ))))))

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Aww thanks Pauline. x

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Nothing to do with this thread but for the past 2 weeks I’ve also had trapped nerve in back. That is a problem on it’s own!

OMG - I feel a right decrepit old crock!!

Thanks for your answers & sympathy. Much appreciated. x


One of the golden girls has a trapped nerve in her back and she can’t have surgery because of long covid she now has. She is to have injections which may or may not work , hopefully they will work, ots awful seeing my friend in so much pain.

I hope yours untraps soon


I think talking about it, can greatly help us at times Carol,…makes us not feel so alone, :heartpulse:

I had a side effect to antidepessants when i came off even though i lowered the dose over a period of time .
If you come off something to quickly ,side effect happen, because your body has got use to it .

You would have been better with a lower dose patch to wean your self off , and put the patch in a differant place .

it was almost a year before my side effect disappeared, you haven’t been on them very long so you should feel better after a month , but I would get advice from your GP.

Thanks Queenie, I hope your friend gets better too. Apparently trapped nerve can settle down after 6 weeks. I live in hope.

Pauline - yes it really helps to talk about it. I’m feeling so sorry for myself right now.

Eliza - good advice but you know the rigmarole you have to go through to even talk to a doctor. To ask for a lower dose patch I would have to fill an e-consult in - such stupid fuss for something so simple!! Anyway I suffer many allergies & I fear once it’s started in one place it will spread to another.

Thanks again everybody who replied. :hugs:

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Ahhh Carol, I really feel for you. You have so much on your plate. Hang in there lass. Like you say, at least you know what’s causing it and there’s an end in sight.
The plus side too is that you seem such a strong minded lady, which will surely help in the battle back to normality.
Sincerely hope you feel better soon.

Thanks Pesta.x

I’ve just come back to this thread to say that today for the first time I’ve been feeling like my old self.
My appetite has returned, the weepiness & irrational behaviour has disappeared.

It’s been a difficult few weeks. Now I’m off the opioid pain killers I never want to go on them again.

Now just waiting for the trapped nerve to improve - I keep doing the exercises & I think it’s improved a bit. I live in hope.

Thanks everybody. :blush:


Hi Carol - good to hear that things are beginning to improve for you.

Thanks Tabby. x

@carol that’s good to hear Carol :slightly_smiling_face:
I have just stopped taking some medication and feel a new woman.

Thanks Meg - A new & better woman I hope… :blush:

Sorry Carol, only just spotted this. Really pleased you’ve got yourself back again!
Hope the trapped nerve won’t be too long before that’s takes a hike too.

And while I’m in here… well done to you too Meg. Long may it continue! :slightly_smiling_face:

@Pesta thanks Pesta …

Aw thank you Pesta. x