Windows 11 installed


Downloaded it and I do think it is good.

The download and installation process took around 40 minutes and automatically saved all existing data to the cloud.

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Excellent … :+1:

Let us know how you get on with it … :slightly_smiling_face:

Won’t download to my PC - says it is too old!

@swimfeeders Where did you get 11 from please ?

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Many thanks.

My machine isn’t compatible, won’t be changing either.

Does it mention TMP.2 as the reason.
Do you know what motherboard and CPU you have or perhaps make and model of your PC and I can do a bit of checking for you as it migt be you just need to change a setting?

Its looking for 64gb only have 32gb storage.

You could clone your hard drive to a bigger one.

Nah, I’m happy to let it pass me by.

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Looks like it will cost just over £200.00 to make the changes, to my Dell All In One. such that W11 will work OK.

Most of that is to get a used Dell Mobo / keyboard/mouse, etc., which will come with a 500GB SSD, and will have all of the required features, software (W10 and W11) & software licenses, to get there.(with a guarantee)

The existing AIO can then be used as a non W11 backup and will work well in that role.

Altogether, not too bad as some speeding up, and cleaning out, was overdue anyway.

Thanks Microsoft!


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So far, there are few problems associated with Windows 11 but these are known:

That is assuming that you can install it in the first place as it requires tmp 2.0 one of my PC’s is playing hardball at the moment but I will not let it beat me. As for my gaming rig, that will stay Windows 10 for the foreseeable future as there is absolutely no reason to move to 11.

This section may help:

How to upgrade to Windows 11 without TPM 2.0

If you cannot install Windows 11 because your PC does not have TPM 2.0, then you’ll get an error message when trying to install it that says your PC doesn’t meet Windows 11 system requirements.

If this happens and you still want to install Windows 11, there is a way to get around the TPM requirement, but this should only be done by people who are confident about the risks it involves.

It’s a complex process, so read our how to upgrade to Windows 11 without TPM 2.0 guide for the full rundown, including a look at the risks involved.


Very useful, but the PC that is giving me grief should be fine it is just that for some reason I cannot fathom a couple of settings within the BIOs which I need to change are greeyed out and I cannot figure out why. The CPU is compatible so I am missing something and as yet I do not know what. I have contacted Asus customer support to see if they can advise failing that I will look at your link and go rootling around the registry.
Thanks for the link.

In that guidance there is ,also, a reference to a very strong (warning) piece of advice, from Microsoft, which says “Don’t do it, or else”

Readers should bear this in mind!

Don’t do what or else, go into the registry?

This is what it says:-

" Microsoft has also issued a rather severe warning that mentions possible ‘damage’ to unsupported PCs.

Microsoft also notes: “Your device might malfunction due to these compatibility or other issues. Devices that do not meet these system requirements will no longer be guaranteed to receive updates, including but not limited to security updates.”

So, even if you get Windows 11 to run without TPM 2.0, you may find that you no longer get any updates in the future, which could put your security at risk.

For most people, then, we recommend you don’t force the Windows 11 upgrade on a PC without TPM 2.0. Sure, it’s frustrating, but Microsoft will continue to update and improve Windows 10, and you won’t be putting yourself or your PC at risk."C

(My Words:-) So, do you really want to put your licence to use Windows at risk?

Apart from the fact that the registry is a minefield and users enter at their peril!

I doubt that warning would have stopped as Microsoft are very experience at over egging their warnings.

As it happens I sorted out my secondary PC and will install Windows 11 tomorrow. If it goes tits up no problems as I will go back to 10.