Will you live on after you're dead and buried?

If you have a social Media account then your life may go on in perpetuity.
Figures released yesterday showed that in 2016, 8000 users died daily. 428 an hour. In the first 10 years of Facebook, 30 million users died.
Today? 312,00 users die every month.
Unless you totally delete your account before you die then your account content will remain.
A third party can request the removal of your inactive account but a Death Certificate must be produced.
Even if you manage to completely deactivate your account, those people who interacted with you, exchanged Photos/Messages with you, that content will remain on their account

This would have been s simple concept, given the advances in electronic communication but, now we have AI so, dying and clearing the decks has become more complicated, lets hope RIP prevails :grin:

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At least we will never know how our old posts will be looked upon.
Maybe my posts will be viewed to see how beautiful Australia was, and it’s critters so abundant.

That is a best case scenario :icon_wink:

Dogs leave trails to be sniffed :smile:

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Dead is dead. Finito.

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Only in family and friends thoughts,and that will only be until the youngest one passes.

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I suppose when we are gone, our presence on the WWW will resemble a topic on over 50’s that sinks deeper into the great void of dead topics, and other topics take it’s place. It will only possibly be recovered in the future when programs like ‘Time Team’ with Tony Robinson will, instead of digging through the ground, will in fact delve into cyber space and the trillions of bits of information held there digitally, to try and understand the past…
That’s if computers and the WWW still exist. I don’t think they will, something else will come along to replace them like vinyl records lost out to magnetic tape, CD’s DVD’s Memory sticks Spoti-thingy and youtube…
Or of course there could be a major catastrophe and we’ll have to start all over again…

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I’ve left instructions for all my social media buddies to get an invitation to my wake held in a marquee in Hyde Park, and put up for the night at the Dorchester across the road.


I mean if any OFC member died, we wouldn’t know about it because the slightest mention of a missing member is strictly out of bounds.


Are you sure d00d? I’m convinced I remember reading on the forum of a member who had sadly passed away, someone that was a regular before my time.

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Hmmmm … perhaps I’m not sure. Perhaps we are allowed to discuss if we know they are definitely dead, but asking where some is might lead to mentions of a rival website. :astonished:


My daughter has got clear instructions to alert the forum to my demise…But not go any where near the site while I’m still posting… :nerd_face:
It would seriously restrict my artistic flair… :face_with_monocle: