Will we ever live on the Moon

There’s no oxygen on the moon is there?
It wouldn’t be much fun if you couldn’t go outside without wearing a space suit!!

Totally agree. The moon is rich in certain natural resources. Humans are nuts and very short-termist.


Natural resources would be needed. Plans have already started.

There is Oxygen but it is trapped in the rocks.

This is what scientists are after.


Regolith is a blanket of unconsolidated, loose, heterogeneous superficial deposits covering solid rock. It includes dust, broken rocks, and other related materials and is present on Earth, the Moon, Mars, some asteroids, and other terrestrial planets and moons.

When I read about mining on the moon this comes to mind


No need to go to the Moon, If we live long enough, with the ever increasing population, and the constant house building, England will resemble the moon…

I suppose, it would be worth going to the moon to bring back loads of gold, silver and diamonds!

Well I’m up for it!

Then I’ll move back to Scotland !!

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The Rape Of The Moon ~ June Wood Morris

I hadn’t heard of that poem before but having found it on google it pretty much sums it up. Surprisingly it’s quite difficult to find on google.

Humans have done more than enough damage to this planet, :earth_africa: :cry: do we really need to take over another one to destroy?

Although the technology is an amazing achievement, a Pandora 's Box has now been opened.