Wife arriving home discovery

A woman drives home and indoors she finds her husband in bed with a beautiful young lady.

Enraged she asks what he was doing.

He said "before you get too annoyed let me explain. I was driving home and spotted this young lady who looked as if she needed help. So I offered her a lift back to our place . Looking in the fridge I saw some food left over you didn’t want or need so I gave it to her. Then I noticed she had no shoes on and as you had a pair you didn’t want or use I gave them to her. Then I noticed her tatty dress so as you have one you havn’t worn or used I gave that to her as well

She then asked if there was anything else my wife hasn’t wanted or used anymore which is why you found us in bed together.


Funny … I like it :laughing:

But, having heard that excuse … is there where the wife now posts everything she doesn’t want or use up on e bay for the best offer she can get.

Guessed this was you RS.