Wierd film facts

The film, The Longest Day is about the D day landings. Operation Overlord & among other actors, it stars Richard Todd.

During Operation Overload, Lieutenant Richard Todd was with the 7th (Light Infantry) Parachute Battalion & was part of the team who took Pegasus Bridge.

During The Longest Day, Richard plays Major John Howard who commanded the assault on Pegasus & in one scene, Major John Howard, speaks briefly to Lieutenant Richard Todd.

So Richard Todd speaks to a younger him. Does anyone else know of any strange / weird film facts?

NASA shows this film during their management training program. New managers are given the task of trying to spot as many errors as possible. At least one hundred sixty-eight have been found.

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During the scene in aliens where John hurts chest explodes, the cast didn’t know what was going to happen, the fear on their faces is real, plus pigs guts were used to add realism