Why is my wallpaper coming off the wall?

Why is my wallpaper coming off the wall?

The last lot did this as well.

Any ideas?

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The paper feels rock solid as well.


Whoever hung the wallpaper is rubbish at it. There is no other explanation.

More info please?

How long has it been up there, Pauline?
Is it just the one room this is happening, or all over the house?

That’s what I was thinking, the wall is as dry as a bone, no dampness whatsoever.

About a year it’s been up.

This is the only room that has wallpaper.

This wall, is connected to another house, their bedroom is also behind this wall.

Ah, now I’ve seen the paper there could be another explanation: The wall is protesting.

If there is no damp Pauline, the only thing I can think of is there was either not enough paste used on the paper, or it was too watered down. More likely the first one.

Who did the papering for you?

Was the wall plastered (skimmed) before the original paper?

LD. When I took the last lot of wallpaper off, a lot of paint came off with it?

But there was nothing wrong with the wall the paint was still intact, with the first lot of wallpaper I put up,do you think it needs plastering?

To be honest I was thinking that, costs a flipping fortune though.:slight_smile:

Try sizing the wall BEFORE papering again Pauline ?
Or use some bonding fluid which is the same thing !!


I did size the wall, I think it needs plastering…which costs a fortune, I could do it, but it’s darn messy.

It could be that the wall was painted without a wash coat (watered down paint)

If you paint the wall with polybond first, that will help seal the old plaster, then paste on top of that.

A thinned coat of [B][I][U]PVA[/U][/I][/B] as per instructions will seal any surface in need of sealing prior to redecoration.

Does the room in question smell mouldy ? if so water may be seeping through from your neighbours side from a newly fitted leeky Basin or pipe.

Thanks everyone for your help.

basser, I put Laura Ashley wall paper up there over 8 yrs ago, after a while it started to peel away from the wall.

There is no damp, the wallpaper has gone like cardboard, if you took it off the wall, it would stand up.

At the back of me lives a painter and decorator , we always have a good old natter as we’ve gotten to know each other.

This day and age you must be very careful what you say to others, I would like to ask him about my bedroom wallpaper, but in my mind, I’m worried he might think I’m suggesting something, if you know what I mean.

Yes, I am paranoid of giving him the wrong impression ,it doesn’t help that he is a very attractive looking man, plus he’s quite a flirty type of chap.

Ask someone else then?