Why is it that ...?

I can work quietly in the Craft Room all day and not hear a word from a soul - but - the moment I park my bottom on the loo - the telephone rings??!!

Same here, ST.

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That’s odd Tabs - that person rings me too!
Sometimes out of devilment - just as I’m getting in the shower as well. :laughing:

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:grin: so funny

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ST, It’s called ‘Sod’s Law’!
Worse is when you rush to answer it and it turns out to be one of those nuisance callers.

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If you take the phone along, you don’t need to rush and can answer the call conveniently. :wink: A friend of mine says he does that.

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I bet if I did it wouldn’t ring! Hmmm - may try that - thanks, Dachs. :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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I would have thought it would be much easier if you rang up everyone of your contacts and told them you were going to the toilet.Of course it would need a bit of planning.

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And cost a lot more than spending a penny! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:

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Take your phone in the loo with you…as long as its not a video call :slight_smile: .if they ask what the sound of running water is tell them its you pouring a glass of Champagne :slight_smile:


Thank you for calling The Silver Tabby, your call is important to us, we’re currently in a meeting in the smallest room, will be with you shortly.
You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue … You are currently first in the queue …

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Welcome to Silver Tabby’s. Press
1 for Arts & Crafts.
2 for TV Auditorium.
3 for Cattery
4 for Boudoir
5 for Scullery
6 for Water Closet
Star to hear these options again.


@d00d - Brilliant - thank you!