realist, I don’t have a wifi hotspot on my mobile phone.
When the internet went off each night at the same time was when l had the old router. I haven’t noticed if it goes off at 9.45 since, as l haven’t looked out for it. It was noticed more when my daughter was watching something on Netflix.
Me go to bed at 9.45? That’s a joke… more like 1am every night!
My iPad is working ok and the internet router is in a room next to the room l use the most.
Omah, said, upthread that the router has to settle in and l think it must be, as the green lights haven’t been darting about as much.
No l don’t go to bed at 9.45, l go at about 1am. I don’t lie in the next morning, l have my hens who are waiting to be fed and their coops cleaned out!
Both my Apple Macintosh computers, one a MacBook Pro and the other a 27" iMac will run Windows 10 software if I wish them to as they are dual platform, but I don’t. In the past, on an HP laptop running Vista, there were so many problems with upgrades that I gave up with it. The hard drive had become so full of files to do with upgrades that it took 30 minutes just to boot up each time!
Ah, but that’s Vista! The most rubbish and most detested version of Windows ever!
Yes, I once had Vista too. I couldn’t wait to get rid of it.
Personally, I found Windows 7 the best and easiest to use, though Windows 10 isn’t too bad either… now that they’ve stopped trying to take over our computers with compulsory updates.
I don’t doubt that as I have heard all about the problems myself. The laptop with Vista installed was so cheap that initially it was a better buy than the cost of installing Windows on the iMac which I was using for my business of graphic design. Receiving many different file types from companies and members of the public always proved a real nightmare so I just used it for opening those files. Those were then used / converted to recognised and accepted file types for use in printing and publishing. People would send me Word files when I had asked for printing industry standard files such as .rtf files (Rich Text Format) for text and Publisher files which they had used to create their own advertisements, these should have been supplied as .pdf files (Portable Document Format) but my requests for those were invariably ignored.
In those days graphic design and printing was mostly done on Macs, I have known nothing else really so have never gone in for Windows. When I read of the problems being experienced with updates I am just pleased I keep to Macs and have done since the 1980s.
It’s entirely normal for lights to flicker at all times.
Out of interest what Talk Talk package are you on? Is it at all possible that your daughter is whizzing through data usage on Netflix and similar streaming products?
Do you have the Mega Boost Package or a lesser package iwth 40GB usage?
I don’t know what package it is? It is for broadband only and it costs £25 a month.
My daughter watched a series on Netflix for about one week, an hour each night. It would go off at 9.45, three quarters way through. That was it.
No l don’t think l have a Mega Boost package as my ex partner pays for it and we aren’t in contact.
This new router gives 4g. The previous one gave less.
I also know that this area is at the end at the telephone exchange.
I remembered that TalkTalk used to use BT local telephone exchanges to get their signals out there.
So I just googled to see if they still do.
This is the Google reply
" TalkTalk use the local BT telephone exchange and line from the exchange to your house. So far so good. But in the last year or so TalkTalk have been installing their own equipment in the BT exchanges. This new equipment is not compatible with pulse dialling. BT lines to the best of my knowledge are at present unaffected.
Now, if I was the suspicious type ( ) I’d be worrying about the bit where they are doing some big installing.
If they’re doing big changes, I wonder what time they would clock in to start working?
It might be the laptop releasing its IP address and renewing it at the same time every night. See if other devices lost connection too and if not, the problems on the laptop side.
If they are all doing it, it might be the router renewing its address every night so log into the router if you can and have a look in the settings.
If your in doubt, call Talk Talk and offer these suggestions if its still happening. They should be able to talk you through it.
Hopefully related to this thread, I read in the paper today that they are going to do away with all landlines on the grounds that they are ‘old fashioned’ and that most people now use mobile phones.
It appears that the only options for telephones will be mobile phones or phones using the internet, such as VOIP. The article pointed out that this will impact on older people especially who don’t have broadband or mobile phones.
Well, it was the Daily Express!
Art, this might not be related in any way, but I remember a few years ago my telephone would make a sound, it wasn’t even a ringing…but it was at the same time every night, about 10 45pm…when I lifted the receiver…the line was dead…when I finally managed to contact BT they told me that they checked the line at that time every night…they sent someone out to check it and found nothing wrong…this went on for ages until they sent one guy out and he said he wouldn’t stop till he found the problem…it took him all day but he did find that it was a fault at the exchange a couple of miles away, he fixed it , no problem since…this was only my phone line…I didn’t have a computer then. but as your problem seems to be at the same time every night, it might be something similar, hope you get it fixed soon
Reading this thread it doesn’t appear the problem has been solved. A neighbour of mine had something similar happen every night at the same time, I think that was about 21.15 hrs. He was into technology so checked and double-checked but could find nothing. Then one evening he was just looking out of the window when his internet went off, as usual, at the next evening the same but he noticed one common factor in this – the street lamp right outside the house would come on just as the internet dropped out! He contacted his ISP and a BT engineer checked this out and it was that street lamp causing his internet connection to drop out. A small ‘box of tricks’, a type of filter, fitted to where the overhead telephone line came into the house, before the BT main socket, cured the problem.
Apparently there are many things that can cause this kind of problem, anything outside like a Belisha beacon, traffic lights etc. It’s perhaps something to do with, and I am guessing, the magnetic field that is set up. Indoors, microwaves and other devices can cause problems with wifi, it’s all too clever so it’s even easier for it to go wrong I reckon.