What’s wrong with them speaking an indigenous Mexican language?
'Let them speak Welsh’I said
Answer the bloody question
No sodding swearing in here please
Is bloody a cuss word
It is the way you used it
But loads of them do, don’t they? 6 million of them speaking indigenous “mexicanese”languages
Spanish was introduced because they were a colony and to quash any rebellion, the conquerors made Spanish the official with punishment to use anything else
And with literally hundreds of “Mexicanese” languages and dialects, it must be a lot easier that everyone use Spanish as their main language
I guess it’s a lot like Welsh, it’s the official language of Wales with lots of people speaking it but 96% use English as their main language
The Mexican government recognizes 69 different languages in Mexico. Spanish is not the official language of Mexico although a majority of the population speak Spanish.
I guess the answer to your question is because they don’t. There are multiple other languages spoken which is why Spanish doesn’t turn into another name.
From what I remember from my Spanish classes in my school days and what my Munchkins were told during their own classes and visiting Mexico.
I’ll let Wikipedia article explains lol:
Spanish is the de facto official language of Mexico and is spoken by 90 percent of the people. Indian languages of the Aztecs, Mayans, and other tribes are still spoken in small communities throughout the country.
Go to any school or government office on Mexico ,Spanish is the language used .
Mexico has the greatest number of Spanish speakers on the planet .
I think all countries should speak English except the chinese because they were here before us.
It would be great if all of the English could speak the language, but judging from when I’m out and about, good English is sadly lacking. The latest irk for me is “don arks me bruv”.
You have a point LongDriver…
Sadly the English language is being eroded by TV speak
i have an American cousin who majored in Spannish and married a Mixican [briefly…lol]
when i first came to Gods own county thelanguage was amazing i would be greeted 'Now then flower how are thee" now your lucky if you get a nod.
the official language of India is Hindi… but most people talk english, if someone in South India wants to do business with someone in the north, trust me they dont speak Hindi… in about a hundred years or so they will make English their official language…on a visit to a hill station i smiled at the notice ‘Please dont Pluck the flowers’…wonderful
So, if caught, would you be well plucked?
Plucking nice flowers Gromit!
Not a word we hear very often if at all, LD
Well I think the whole world really does speak English. I’ve watched so many films about the Romans (Spartacus) Greeks (300 and Jason and the Argonauts) Japanese (Pearl Harbour, and Bridge over the river Kwai) Germans (The Eagle has Landed and a Bridge too Far) and Australian (Crocodile Dundee, although it was a very crude English)…
So while ever there is this great divide between countries we will never be properly global. Even the Welsh insist that they keep their language and print all the road signs in Welsh and English…They need some migrants sending there so they can dilute the Welsh heritage the same as they are diluting the English heritage.
English heritage will always survive as long as you have Morris Dancers…
. do you indulge OGF?
I used to indulge and also play my diatonic accordion when not making a fool of myself . It was a happy band of men, but alas, The Pinewood Morris Men disbanded about 25yrs ago when members started moving away and that included me.