Why are all those People Better Off Than Me?

How many farmers did you know? How many farmers do you know now? Actual numbers please.

The farmers around our way own their farms alright .

In that area, back in the 1950s, about 6.

It will take me a while to go back up to the village and get all of their names, addresses, fingerprints, etc., so that you will accept that I know what a farmer was.

Now, it’s quite a low number with whom I play Golf.

You’ll have to trust me, on the numbers, as I can’t be bothered to do the count.

How many do you know?

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Lucky them!

Yes life is wonderful if you’ve a roof over your head ,food in your belly , access to the internet ,decent clothing, heating you can afford, also the means to visit friends and family .
But take away any of the above and life can seem grim .
Todays expectations are different to when we were kids .
Poverty is painful indeed a killer .

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There are so many People, and Companies, who set a bad example.

Whilst you sit there shivering away, in your overcoat, with the TV turned off, it’s not too clever for someone to drift by in a Private Jet, or to leave the Lights on all night (have a look at Heathrow - deserted but well lit up).

You can have the feeling that they’re using your meagre share!

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Yes Muddy, the establishment have made it so…So they can work on your mind 24/7 especially the younger generation. They know where you are, and what you are doing and seem to have got everybody hooked onto the idea of being on the internet…One more thing that people can’t do without. They have taken away our pubs where friends in the community could meet and discuss political issues, and replaced them with people sat at home alone, looking at what the rest of the world is doing instead of taking an interest in what is happening around them.


Quite a few. My immediate family were, and still are, farmers. So no, I don’t trust you on this score.

And many who don’t. Like Richard Branston and Elon Musk to name but two.

Is that the same Richard Branson that keeps all of his money in a swiss bank account to avoid paying taxes here, and wanted the British public to donate money to keep his airline afloat during lockdowns, and turned his back on Britain Bes?

Of course it’s my perception … perceptions are based on personal experiences and does not make something lkess true because it is a perception.

That many people are in poverty … material poverty … in the 21st Century sickens me … but I have observed that material wealth does not always make people happy.

That does not detract from my observations that material poverty causes suffering too.

Branson has pledged to commit $3 billion , all profits from his travel firms over the next ten years, to the reduction of global warming. He has previously donated to educational charities in Africa. Branson started his first charity, “Student Valley Centre”, when he was only 17. Richard is Patron of the International Rescue Corps.

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Oh please you think that most people would go to the pub and discuss political issues,?
Get real Foxy .

You know that do you?
Strange Swiss banks don’t usually give out details of their customers indeed any banks should not do so.

How have you observed this ?

Yes it does actually .
Many people have erroneous perceptions.

That’s a bit odd.

If his travel firms include Big Jet Planes, is he going to pump the profits from these big Jet Plains, for the benefit of saving the planet?

Or is 3 Billion only a small part whereas the big part, of his profits, will flow better into his pockets if he plays the caring user role?

Surely the only way to cut global warming would be for him to cut usage, instead of having a steadily growing profit year on year?

He could be playing the “here’s how you can help me keep going” plan.

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What does it matter people will always travel as long as some good is coming of it .
3 billion is still 3 billion.
Large planes that carry many passengers make less carbon footprint than small private jets .

That’s what he pledged. If you want to see it in a different light that’s YOUR choice.
Have had a chance to you comment on my family and their farming activities?

Any self respecting farmer - landowner or tenant - wouldn’t be seen dead playing golf.

Hunting, shooting, fishing yay … !