Why a TikTok ban could be hard to enforce

The US is considering banning TikTok if China doesn’t sell its stake in the company.

If they did that, they would just ban the app from Google Play and the Apple store. Could people get around that? Sure, but would they bother? I think it’s doubtful.

The US, UK, EU and Canada have already banned TikTok from government devices.

People would be wise not to wait for their Governments to ban it and take that decision for themselves - we can choose to avoid dodgy Apps without waiting for an official ban.
Just don’t use it.
There has already been warnings from IT experts about the concerning aspects of TikTok and the way it captures and uses data - these warnings have been circulating for a couple of years now.

Organisations responsible for child-safety online have warned about the dangers TikTok poses for children too.
I have never downloaded the TikTok App and never would - my kids tell me they don’t have the App on any of the devices their children use, so it seems some parents are already avoiding exposing their children to it.


That’s Ok, just don’t ban Alibaba.

I have refrained so far from creating an account. But I’m sorely tempted because it seems to be the app of choice of many musicians I follow. Their choice of platform is getting slim.

Twitter is having problems, Facebook is not the right demographic for them, Instagram is owned by Facebook and now the problems with TikTok. Promoting music on the internet must be challenging.

As US politicians question the head of TikTok to determine if there will be a ban of the app, creators on the app are feeling threatened for their livelihoods. Some people are making a full time living on the app.


I think that many people underestimate the capabilities of what the UK Government Agencies can do.

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In what way? What would they do if they wanted to ban TikTok?

TikTok banned from UK Parliament.