Whose side are you on?

The Daily Star
“A mother-of-seven from Powys, South Wales, who has more than 800 tattoos claimed to the Daily Star that her child’s school made her go to the back garden and look through the window.”

Who rates the validity of the Daily Star?

Thought the Daily Star had gone bust.

If so, the story gets even sillier.

Maybe so.

This is clearly a mentally damaged person .
I do believe that tattoo artist should be held to some moral code and not disfigure a person in such a way .
Her children are probably glad to not have her there children are aware of their parents are different and other children are cruel .

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I can’t agree with the moral code bit. It isn’t the tattooists job to make that judgement on somebody (unless they are legally underage or under the influence of something and therefore could have an accident) If someone walks in and asks for a tattoo, they get one. Its like someone going into a shop to buy a dress and the person serving says “That dress is too tight / too short / wrong colour / for you” Its not their decision to make.

I think everyone should have some moral code .
Deliberate disfigurement as has been done in this cause is IMO imoral.
It’s nothing like buying a dress ,this is permanent life altering change .


I disagree Muds, the absence of morality in some folks allows one to recognise one’s own code and strengthen it.

I know its not like buying a dress really…but my point is, who is anyone to tell someone else what they should or shouldn’t do? If an adult makes a choice about themselves, its really up to them to deal with the consequences.

Anyone whose has face destroyed her own face as this woman has is not in a fit mental state to make a decision that will affect not just her but her seven innocent children .
She will probably never be able get a job and will be dependant on the state ie taxpayers for the rest of her life.
Facial tattoos are known in the tattoo trade as ‘jobstoppers’

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Folks tend to dislike folks who leave them with an uncomfortable dilemma, to deal with themselves.

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We are herd animals and any drastic deviation from the norm makes us uncomfortable such disfigurement is a clear symptom of a mental issue .

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It’s not commonplace .
I have never seen anyone tattooed to that extent on the face .

I suppose deliberate disfigurement is largely open to interpretation although I take your point. When I was about sixteen I wanted to get my left ear pierced. My dad was adamant that I wouldn’t, he was was very much of the opinion that it was a form of primitive self mutilation, also it was certainly something that men/boys just didn’t do.

This woman I’m my opinion looks awful, it’s not a moral judgement on my part it’s just how I feel. What seems like a good idea at one point in life might not seem so wise say a decade later. When that ink work fades, loses definition and merges then she might well feel differently.

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whilst the tombstones pile up. that’s goth.

but goth can be pretty

It will never fade significantly that’s the point .
Tattooists should have legal restrictions on the percentage of a face they can tattoo.
In fact the industry itself would like to have the legal age for facial tattoos be raised from 18 to 21
This woman and anyone who disfigures their own face so mean are clearly mentally disturbed and so safeguards must be put in to protect them from themselves and to protect the integrity of the tattoo industry .


No it won’t fade significantly. What I meant was the colours will become muted, the outlines will lose definition and it will probably look worse, that’s before aging sets in.

The work doesn’t look as if it’s been done by a top quality studio either. Also I think the article mentions that she’s bought a tattoo kit from Amazon and indulges in a bit of DIY, not good in my opinion.

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Incidentally, this story is coming up shortly on Nick Ferrari’s programme on LBC.

Indeed, it seems her partner also tattoos her with that kit. Not sure about the wisdom of that. If my wife or daughter started self harming with eg a razor blade, I can’t quite see how me say I’ll do it to them too is particularly sensible, apart from maybe being able to ensure it’s not too deep or something?

Maybe I’ve missed something, but was there any mention about what medical/psych assistance she’s had over the years?

I didn’t see anything in the link Dex, maybe I missed something although seems she hasn’t had an easy life according to the article.

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