Who on earth dreams these up?

Have just been onto Sainsbury’s website to order my next delivery. One thing I wanted to add was deodourant. Because I had not specifed a brand it came up with lots of them - and - would you believe - one with the scent of Marshmallow and Old Leather!!

Is there a dark cellar somewhere full of mad scientists with nothing better to do than dream up ridiculous scents?? I’ll stick to Dove unscented!


Sounds like a new Pringles flavour.

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Yuk - that’s even worse!

What - together? In the same spray? Yuck! I do like the smell of both, but on the actual things, not on me! :joy:


Oh, I don’t know, it might be quite nice!

Are you sure it’s not a description of a sex fetish? :open_mouth:


Its not to be Sniffed at ST.

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In Sainsbury’s?? Yikes.

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Could be worse. Much worse. Goop have produced a perfume “This Smells Like My Vagina”. I kid you not. And that’s not the worst, candles can be bought claiming to smell like all sorts of things.

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Time to stop waxing lyrical.

Good grief!

I wonder if they do one that smells like damp dog, is one of my favourite smells, that and freshly dug earth. Damp dog and mud sounds better than leather and marshmellow, unless they are thinking of my sister’s dog, a golden called Marshmello, (after a DJ apparently, not the squiggy vanilla flavoured thing)

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I thought that was Gwyneth Paltrow behind that brainwave?
I believe she has bought out a scented candle with the same name too.
Stupid woman.

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