Who knows what HAARP is?

Could this be why the weather has been ‘extreme’ over the last decade?
It may just be just another conspiracy theory, but there are also other projects going on around the world concerning rainfall and temperature control, and if the military have an interest in it, you can bet that’s it’s not for the well being of mankind…It makes you think doesn’t it.

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Thanks for posting, any information about this research will probably be classified.

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Er, no, climate change is the cause…( gets tin hat and prepares for long trench warfare with foxy):laughing:

Strange how the climate decided to change just in the last decade Primus…

It hasn’t though foxy,

Its hard, finding clothing that keeps you dry, but, doesn’t make you sweat :grin:

Don’t you think that we can manipulate the weather Primus?

Not to the extent you’re suggesting, yes, cloud seeding has been/ is used, but, producing superstorms ect is pure for the movies…


How about altering the climate by reducing CO2 and carbon capture?

You asked if I believe we can alter the weather, we can alter the climate by reducing co2, but weather and climate are different…

With all due respect, I think you’ve got that the wrong way around Primus…
The weather is a short term local effect (not on a global scale at any rate) and can be altered, as you have already stated, by cloud seeding and perhaps with more complex systems like HAARP etc. Whether it can be altered by things like HAARP etc is a matter for discussion, hence this thread…
The climate, which is basically an average of the weather over a long period of time, which I don’t believe can be altered.
If only adjusting the climate were as simple as just reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would be indeed a good magic trick. And the results of reducing the CO2 would not be realised for many years to come, perhaps hundreds. (the climate is estimated over a minimum of a hundred years)
Furthermore, to make a significant difference to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere (we’re talking global here, not local) you would need at least half of the population of the world to participate. Big money making industries reducing output or closing completely. Remembering that it is these wealthy powerful people who really control the governments of this world.
And I don’t think that the people living in war torn countries, or those living with famine or poverty have the state of the climate high on their list of priorities.
You also underestimate the amount of CO2 that is naturally produced in nature and is the reason that green things exist.
So no, I don’t believe that CO2 has anything to do with the weather and we are all being led on a fools errand to think that we can change it.

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Well, we are having an effect on the climate, ( global warming) I know you think this is bunkum foxy, just as I think that HAARP is too, yes, conspiracy theorists would have you believe that it is controlled by some secret government program, but , conspiracy theorists also would have you believing that the earth is flat and we never went to the moon…

When did a project to investigate high frequency communication in the ionosphere (where there are no clouds btw) become anything to do with affecting the weather - apart from in the minds of giggling teenagers who like to make things up and see which idiots bite?
When would a so-called super secret project be simply handed over to a university?
As Christopher Hitchins said - any truly fantastic claim needs to be asserted by truly exceptional evidence. Not just empty, fact free claims. This malarky about HAARP being about cloud seeding or changing the weather is right up there with vapour trails from aircraft doing the same. Empty bunkum.

Well I must admit to knowing very little about HAARP and I don’t believe anyone else on the forum does either, only what they’ve read on Wiki or the media, and the people who do know aren’t likely to admit to anything are they. If the military have anything to do with it we will never know.
I’m always dubious when the establishment or other people call something a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ and make silly comments about the people who are interested. It makes me think that the media are trying to bury something and prevent people from looking any further.
But at the end of the day, this is a forum and all opinions are welcomed…

So here is my problem with all that.
Not knowing anything much about something surely means not saying much at all about it - or simply asking questions to find out. If you don’t know anything about something then why comment at all?
If a strange looking thing is government or military then the chances are it has some fairly mundane purpose. Normally that purpose is tracking stuff, or communicating, or its something to hurt/damage things. It is not very likely to have a crazy purpose such as meeting aliens, or changing the weather, or moving solid things magically, or making people think/behave differently (they’ve already got PR to do that last one).
If you get two adolescent boys together they are really good at making stuff up. They have wild imaginations. They have read science fiction … and other conspiracy theories. If a bizarre notion comes up about this government thing then the chances are its come from some of these kids. Made up. Then shared. Until it meets the sort of ignorant idiot who thinks it might be true. I read somewhere someone asking if space is a vacuum and things can’t burn without oxygen - then how does the sun burn? That person was so dumb that they took this ignorant error and came up with their own answer: the sun is not burning so it must be a really big light. Shining over the flat earth that they’d already convinced themselves of.
So when any normal person sees a strange theory and does not dismiss it, declaim it and ridicule it - then they are promoting that dumb conspiracy theory. They could decide to read up a bit on it, seeing as they don’t know enough to counter the conspiracy theory. Instead they think “oh, might be, you never know” and share that dumb, ignorant theory. Which is wrong. And even dangerous.
That’s my take on such conspiracy theories.

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If you had not been so quick to belittle me, you would have read the title of the thread I posted.
It’s a forum Lincs, not a universal declaration of intention.

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Anyone who thinks a Human set foot on the moon is a nutter or a conspiracist. :grin:

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Or Both :laughing:

Actually, my comment was not directed at you or this thread. My apologies if it was possible to read it as all about you. I was making a more general observation. I agree, you opened this thread with questions on something you stated that you did not know much about.

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I heard of HAARP but don’t know much about it. I do know that the disappearance of the magnetosphere would be the end of us because we would lose its protection of ultraviolet radiation. I also know that every tens of thousands of years or so, the poles reverse which seems harmless, but could possibly devastating to migratory animals like birds and cetaceans. In between, that magnetic umbrella changes a does the solar weather.

I suspect that the research is more about testing the impact of communications and GPS in the event of powerful solar storms.

Here’s an interesting 3.5 minutes: