Who do you think will replace Nicola Sturgeon as next SNP leader?

William Wallace?


Nigel Farage.


One things for sure…She won’t look like that for long if she does get the job…


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According to what is being said today, it won’t really matter as he/she won’t be in power for long?

I’ve know idea who will be next.
However it’s a shame we us down sarf can’t claim Nicola … she’s head and shoulders better than anybody in our weaselly government


I don’t vote SNP but of the three who have put there names forward I would pick Humza Yousaf. Kate Forbes’s strong Free Presbyterian Christian beliefs might spoil her chances. Ash Regan I don’t know much about.

Forbes…a narrow minded bible thumper,
Yousaf…a less than useless health minister,
Those two have a brass neck for even thinking of applying for Scotlands top job as FM.
Ash Regan seems the best of a bad bunch…gawd help Us. :roll_eyes:

A bit of a poisoned chalice really. Some of those expected to put there name forward have decided against.

Billy Connolly.

At least with Kate Forbes you will get someone truthful, honest and will take everybody’s wishes into account; before she makes a fair decision.

A truthful.honest Politician?..that’ll be a first :laughing:

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All three candidates for the SNP leadership election say they have secured enough nominations to move forward to the next stage of the contest.

Under party rules, candidates must receive 100 nominations from at least 20 SNP branches for their names to be put forward for members to vote on.

Donald, when he finds his trousers. :grin:

Nope, don’t want her with her novel ideas about transgender prisoners. She really did shoot herself in the foot with that one.
She was also a one trick pony, as they say … with only one goal …Scottish Independecne, I can recall a time when some of the Scots were criticising her for becoming so obssessed with that at the expense of running her country.

Having said that . .it seems that if Humza Yousaf is her successor he’s going to push hard and fight for the Gender Recognition Bill as most Scots are in favour of it.

Trump or Duck?

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All of your thoughts on NS pale into insignificance imo when matched against our two previous prime ministers .
The lack of propriety honesty and compassion for the U.K. and it’s people at times was beyond belief.

Aye,I’m disappointed in Angus Robertson chickening out saying,

‘As the father of two very young children the time is not right for me and my family to take on such a huge commitment’.

Forbes has a 6 Month old Baby so will She be able to give Her full attention to running Our Country?..I think not!

‘The Scottish Government has “wasted enough time” on Gender recognition reform and should move on’, SNP Leadership hopeful Ash Regan has said.
I agree.

What’s the ‘Gender Recognition Bill’ Morty?
I’ve never had a problem deciding which is which…