Who did it on the sly

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i did i went out drove the car around the corner without telling the wife. she went to go out in the car came rushing back in saying it was stolen. best laugh i had in years. and yes i got a slap across the head for doing it.

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I might or might not have ridden on the back of his motorbike but it was so sly mum and dad never found out…. :relaxed:

Dh was always laughing at me as i forget where i park the car whilst shopping.
So one day we parked up,went into the supermarket and i said to him i am just popping to the toilet,i will catch you up.
I went out and moved the car to the other side of the carpark.
I will never forget the look on his face when he couldn`t see it,i told him he has lost the plot.

Back in the early 70s, when our television was a very old B&W one, it had a little switch which you could slide left or right to select 405 or 625 lines. The 625 lines system was for the relatively new BBC2 channel - new compared to BBC1 and ITV, that is.

So, one Sunday, faced with yet another afternoon of football, which I simply couldn’t get away from unless I sat on my bed for hours, I slyly moved that slidey switch so that it sat slap bang in the middle, neither 405 or 625. Mr B couldn’t understand why the TV wouldn’t work, and it never occurred to him to look at the switch. Bliss! A football free afternoon!

That was really rather bad of me, though, wasn’t it? :see_no_evil: :icon_redface:

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I was a TV Engineer back in those days. It would have cost you around 12/6d for me to come and fix it. :grinning:

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Haha! I’m glad Mr B didn’t call you out, only to find it didn’t need fixing, just needed the switch put back correctly. If I remember rightly, I ‘just happened to notice’ it later that day, and it was put down to my over-enthusiastic dusting (seriously? Me over-enthusiastically dusting? :044:)

If it had happened in recent years it would probably cost £50+ call out charge. :flushed:

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Who did it on the sly?

Ok it was me … I didn’t mean to do it but quite honestly I couldn’t resist. Please don’t judge me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Opening a packet of digestives.I can do it without a sound and with no one in sight but I turn round…and there’s the dog.