Who are OFCOM

Who are OFCOM…?
OFCOM are a government backed committee that since 2003 oversee everything you hear and see on all media. In other words, they are censors and act the same as Chinese state media, only allowing you to see and hear what they want you to hear or see. But they go by a nicer name that’s lets you believe that they operate for your own good…Since 2003 or thereabouts, they have taken over just about every controlling body of TV, radio, phones and all other forms of communications, just about the same time that the BBC and other news media formats became biased. They are also responsible for all the new communications masts that are springing up not far from you.

Michael Grade is the big cheese (chairman) of OFCOM and appears on the most richest people in the UK list. He is also a life peer in the house of Lords.
Michael Ian Grade, Baron Grade of Yarmouth , CBE (born 8 March 1943) is an English television executive and businessman. He has held a number of senior roles in television, including controller of BBC1 (1984–1986), chief executive of Channel 4 (1988–1997), Chairman of the Board of Governors of the BBC (2004–2006), and executive chairman of ITV plc (2007–2009).[1] Since 2011, he has been a Conservative Party life peer in the House of Lords. In April 2022, it was announced by the Government[2] that Grade would take up his four year appointment as Chairman of Ofcom from May 2022 and would move to the crossbenches in the House of Lords at the earliest practical opportunity.

A bunch of faceless woke idiots imo.


OFCOM have a contentious job .
Me personally I’m proud to be a woke and glad Ofcom is there to regulate standards for the TV radio broadband and phones.
There are enough nutters, warmongers, perverts out there without letting them broadcast into your homes or your phones .


Even if they are Giving you biased information and telling you how and what to think Ripple?
They are state run just like Chinese state media…Is that a world you want to live in Ripple?

You feel OFCOM is akin to the Government of the of Republic of China …an authoritarian one party political system under the political leadership of the Chinese Communist party .
With a total disregard to human rights , violations include Abuses committed included mass arbitrary detention, torture, enforced disappearances, mass surveillance, cultural and religious persecution, separation of families, forced returns to China, forced labor, and sexual violence and violations of reproductive rights.


Unfortunately nothing is always black and white as you suggest Ripple, and taking things to the extreme about my comparison with the Chinese media does not excuse OFCOM for some of the more controlling and devious things they do. Obviously, this country has always prided itself on its democratic rights, and our government bears no resemblance to a communist Chinese government. But we are being manipulated by the media and its OFCOM (directed by the government) who wag the tail of the media, placing restrictions of what they can and can’t show under the pretence of ‘Its for your own good’ and they throw in a few goodies just to sweeten the pot.
Freedoms are being eroded away drip by drip so we don’t really notice, but its going to be a hell of a world for our grandkids in the future, and all because we didn’t stand up for our rights as British citizens and all because we are being brainwashed by the media, AKA OFCOM.

I don’t agree with your comments likening ofcom to media censorship in China .
It’s akin to comparing a mouse with an elephant, there’s little comparison.

Read about on wiki censorship in China

I don’t need your agreement…It is what it is, whether you agree or not.

Ha hissy

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