Which is better: sweet snacks or salty snacks? Some examples?

Which is better, sweet or salty snacks? Why do you prefer them?

Snacks vary a lot by geography. Some countries’ people tend to prefer sweeter snacks while other countries’ people tend toward salty snacks.

What are some examples of the sweet or salty snacks you prefer?

Which is better, sweet or salty snacks?

  • Sweet snacks
  • Salty snacks
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I` am not a lover of salt,i cannot t remember the last time i used it.
I prefer sweet snacks,dried fruit is my go to snack,prunes,apricots and the like.


Both, I love junk food.


I don’t have salt on anything apart from chips. Sweet stuff all the way - when my wife lets me.


I like grapes, juicy and sweet, and they are good for you! Also, a plum in season.
Not into much salt, unless it’s on Cheezits. :blush:


I like both, at different times - it depends what time of day and what I’m drinking with the snacks.


These little beauties are irresistible! They come in so many different varieties too…

Spoiled for choice :drooling_face:


This thread reminded me of a picture my coworkers put up in the office…they had all the chocolates up in the cupboard!


Great pic RN :wink:

It’s years since I’ve bought salt I never add salt when cooking or eating

The time leading up to my granddaughters kidney transplant I became hyper aware of the salt content in food and snacks
I avoid as much as its possible food stuff containing a high levels of salt.
I’m a sweetie girl …Kitkats & dried fruit are a favourite


I’m well into pink Himalayan salt at the moment, lovely, less is more but yes I use it sparingly… enough is enough :wink:


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That’s a bizarre promotion.You’d never expect the offer of cheap roses when you thinking of buying crisps. :grinning:

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I vaguely remember those packets of crisps… maybe not quite so bizarre when you think about it. No Facebook, Twitter, YouTube etc … people got involved with ‘real’ stuff, plenty of well rotted manure would have been a bonus too…

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