In fact I try not buying from Apple now because they are such a rip-off! I love my Mac and iPhone, but hate how they only seem to care about screwing every last penny out of people these days, and how that is negatively impacting their products. Steve Jobs cared much more about users and now they seem to care just about making money.
Having said that, I posted this because some of our users are having trouble with the site on their iPad… and so… I might (begrudgingly) get one
I quite like the look of the new iPad mini, but, it is such a rip off! The base model really should have come with 128GB of ram and it costs £150 more just to upgrade the ram A couple of years ago I spent £5K on a new MacBook Pro and display and the colour on the back of the laptop has already started to fade!! Yet my 10 year old MacBook Air (that only cost £1K) is still in perfect condition! See what I mean about them going to the dogs
I would just click on:
Don’t have one and don’t plan on getting one
I nearly didn’t add those options but thought people would complain if they weren’t included
Hey @Azz Samsung for me too, laptop phone and tablet. I have always disliked Apple for the way they build in obsolescence, the way they prevent simple servicing like replacing the battery and also for the fact that there is no slot for an SD card to expand the storage, all things which are possible on the Samsung.
As you say, too profit driven with corporate greed never before seen in commerce.
My wife upgraded her laptop to a Mac after using Windows for years and says it’s the worst thing she ever did and is so alien to the simple logic of windows that she very rarely uses it, a complete waste of quite a lot of money…
I have had this a few years and am annoyed at the constant having to recharge it, so am considering a newer tablet. Divided between yet another iPad, for its ease of use, or a Samsung. Any recommendations for the latter?
I think it’s more that Apple are abusing their position and forcing people to pay more than what they otherwise would because they know people are often tied in. For what I do none of the other platforms come close - don’t get me wrong many would be perfectly usable, but they would be frustrating or annoying for a bunch of different reasons.
I think Apple products are definitely worth a premium, but only if fair. Right now they are on the wrong side of that by quite a margin imo.
iPads are still probably the best tablets out there Jazzi - just don’t get sucked in to all their ‘upgrades’ (unless you really need them) as that’s where they generally rip people off
I have used Sumsung for many years, tried an IPad back in the day but did not like how controllng Apple is. I now have a Galaxy Tab S7+ which is a decent tablet.
i am on my second Samsung tablet I think it is a Tab “A”. What I like is that it has a 7" screen (or is it 8").
My first Tablets had 10" screen however I decided that, for something so bulky, I would prefer a Netbook as being far more useful/powerful and virtually the same size so abandoned them.
Then these 7" tablets came out which filled that gap between a 10" laptop and a phone, I find it quite useful especially for watching Youtube and emails. Not as useful as my phone though.
I still a have Tab A, currently using it in the kitchen as a clock and note taker which syncs with the S7+. Probably could live without it now as I set up so my late better half could add what shopping we needed. Good tablets though, my only real complaint is the bloatware and Samsungs nagging to set up an account, might root it as I have never done it to a tablet.
@Azz, I agree about iPads being the best, it is just the difference in cost. I use mine a lot, especially for reading on, so feel lost when it is on charge, hence wanting to buy another one, as a supplement (not to replace this one). Maybe in that sense I should just go for something cheaper. We shall see.
I just wonder what it is about them that makes them “the best” in many people’s eyes?
My wife has an iPad and I use a Samsung Tab A, and from a performance point of view there is no difference as far as I can ascertain, but I can replace the battery in mine if it packs up and I can expand the storage with an SD card if needed which the Apple cannot, you’d have to buy a more powerful model, so where, pray, is the advantage?
The lack of storage upgrade turned me away from Apple years ago as there was no real need for them to do it except to get people to buy models which had more storage. I have always considered Apple to be the epitome of capitalism at its worst, they are just greedy.
I see they are moaning about the EU finally forcing manufacturers to create a universal charging solution for phones and small electronic devices all will be USB C but Apple says it will stifle innovation though how is anyone’s guess.
Samsung 10" tablet here, along with a Samsung phone - both excellent pieces of kit. I can use cut-down editions of Windows programs such as Excel which is a bonus when I’m out and about.