Which Era Has Been Your Favourite?

Gee, l should have been more specific. Although, you could walk out of one job into another, l meant you could change your occupation.
In the late 1960’s l left ladies hairdressing on the Friday. Started a job as a Tracer/Technican in a drawing office on the Monday, Eventually, leaving there and started working as a sales representative.
Because you could!

I would have to opt for the late 50’s into the 60’s and then mid way into the 70’s.
The music was great and the company I kept was IMO the best :ok_hand::notes::musical_note::couple_with_heart_woman_man::+1:

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Which Era Has Been My Favourite?
I haven’t made up my mind Arty because I haven’t lived them all yet… :017:
Like most posters, I enjoyed the 60’s and 70’s but it didn’t seem all that special at the time.
I suppose most of us like it for the music and lack of responsibilities.
You only remember the good times, and there were plenty of bad ones. Being bullied as an apprentice, having a serious motor accident, having a few punch up’s, and having a different girlfriend every week (I think that should have been on the good list though)…
So to sum up: Each Era has had it’s up’s and down’s, but I suppose I like where I have arrived. Plenty of brass, not having to go to work, and each day a fresh canvas…(heart permitting)…Although the music is sh*te, and the country has gorn to the dorgs…


Without a doubt the 70s . I would have loved time to stand still.

The clothes were fun and I have the 70s music forever etched in my mind.

I dint remember much of the 60s as I was a small child but from what I know I think that era would have been great too.

The 80s and beyond don’t make me feel as excited as the 70s.

We were poor but found our own survival by making do and finding the best ways to survive. Poor financially but very rich in life .

Oh yes, definitely the 70s. Let’s do the time warp YEAH


Which ever one I happen to be in!

Don’t you have a favourite tabs ?

In my mind, the World was black and white until 1970, and then colour burst forth. :rainbow:


Woodstock was not a black and white affair!

Flower power! Peace!

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Well it took a while for the ripples of Woodstock to reach the backwater where I lived. I saw my first colour TV in 1970, and that might be influencing my memory. :thinking:

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I do seem to remember that the 1850s was a nice period (if you were quite well off), but that was in a previous life.