Where the Hell Are The Fjords Anyway

oh my goodness, these photos are FABULOUS. Thank you for sharing, this cruise is only something I can dream about right now but these pictures enhance my dream. Wonderful, just wonderful

Thanks Lion Queen, everything comes to her who waitsā€¦xā€¦:wink:

Lovely pictures and wonderful memories of your holiday Bob.

Your notes to each photo made it so much easier to follow you through your holiday, so thank you for that. :smiley:

OGF, your travel log is thoroughly enjoyable and the scenery is absolutely gorgeous.

Cruise-wise, I have to say that I agree with you about concerns of these massive ships unloading all at once at ports from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean, the pressure just seems to much both ecologically and on the communities.

That said, I could lean all day on those railings and would revel in the geological formation of the place, hoping to spy a bird, fish, or some fascinating passenger on deck worth watching. Is there a naturalist on board doing lectures?

The similarity between these fjords is is many ways similar to the west coast of Canada and Alaska, but the similarity ends there. The architecture and villages look charming and I am sure it must have been delightful just to stand still and take it all in. Standing in those crowds ten deep, not so much.

Thank you for the photos. Truly spectacular - and you look great too! :smiley:

Oh, and now you know why was call Starbucks ā€œFivebucksā€ over here.

The fjords are something else breathtaking arnt they.

here is one of your photos in video from the Flam waterfall stop

Thatā€™s brilliant Realspeed, very impressiveā€¦:023:

WOW thatā€™s some waterfall

On Tuesday evening we left Flam and sailed down the deep water Fjord of Sagnefjorden, some 1500 metres deep apparentlyā€¦As the last vestiges of land disappeared we set about enjoying ship life and some fine dining in the Oriental restaurant. Some people found it difficult to sleep as it never really got dark, I never had such problems and the ship sailed through the night oblivious to meā€¦:015:

Upon reaching the North Sea the captain steered a course North to the beautiful picturesque port of Alesundā€¦

Passing some beautiful scenery on the wayā€¦

Finally arriving in Alesundā€¦

After securing the ship we made our way onto the dockside to join a pre-booked coach tour with a charming guide from Croatia?
The coach would pause briefly to allow photographs of the town, unfortunately the weather wasnā€™t ideal for my little point and shoot cameraā€¦

On the previous two photos you will notice a viewpoint at the top of a small hill, after being driven on a hair raising journey to the summit, the next photo was taken from the topā€¦Please allow for the shaking handā€¦:shock:

I liked Alesund, they had an infinity with the British. Which is not surprising when you consider that half the population of Northern Britain originated here after they raped and pillaged the indigenous Yorkies, now itā€™s our turnā€¦Only joking, and of all the sail away parties Iā€™ve attended over the years, this was certainly the best send off Iā€™ve ever experiencedā€¦:cry:ā€¦Lump in the throat stuffā€¦:frowning:

And finally the Alesund Pilot leaves the Azuraā€¦Goodbye Alesundā€¦:039:

OGF was here. w got the bus up to the lookout

yes that Fireboat was something else, I did video it as well .
Did you take any videos as well as stills?

Did you get to see the Briksdal Gacier? if not I did a quick video of it as well. The ice is supposed to be 1000 years old to get as far as this

Yes leaving Norway was hard such a beautiful place , must go back some time soon

Bit late with this Bob (having been away myself), but those photos are wonderful. Iā€™d love to go on that cruise myself but my wife wonā€™t sail anywhere unfortunately.

Pleased you both enjoyed a good holiday :cool:

Although my small point and shoot camera does take videos Realspeed, they donā€™t come out so good, so I only videoed the descent while in the vernacular railway carriage in Bergen. We were sat right at the front and it was too good to missā€¦:smiley:

I would have loved to see the glacier but with just a week I donā€™t think we did the Fjords justiceā€¦:frowning:

Thanks Floydy, a pity about Mrs Floydysaurus not wanting to cruise, just a few years ago you wouldnā€™t have got me anywhere near a cruise shipā€¦:018: But now Iā€™ve found itā€™s one hell of a way to travelā€¦:cool:

My wife gets seasick but I tell her that those ships are so big you donā€™t even know youā€™re on the water.
Iā€™m still working on it though! :cool:

ship or hotel ??? Floydy

one of the lounges on board ship and small stage

main theatre

,the stuffit buffet dining area on different ship but they are all more or less the same