Where the Hell Are The Fjords Anyway

I started my search for the Norwegian Fjords from South Yorkshire at 9:30am this morning. I proceeded down a traffic logged M1 to an even more traffic logged A43 passing through Towcester (pronounced Toaster) past Silverstone, and eventually finding a totally gridlocked M40.

Fortunately we only required to travel one junction on the M40 but it took us over half an hour to complete the five mile stretch. The A34 past Oxford was marginally better and by the time we had passed those dreamy spires the traffic flowed normally.

That was until we reached the slip road onto the M3 where queueing began again. Travelling south on the M3, and after some discussion concerning navigation, I decided to disagree with the sat nav and leave the motorway at junction 9…

It turned out to be a good choice as we entered Winchester via Eastern lane which turned into Wales Street, and finally arriving at the Mercure Wessex Hotel right next to the Cathedral…It looked rather impressive from the outside, but on closer inspection of the room we realised that it would have benefitted from a refurbishment…

No matter, I was so tired after the 200 mile drive I would have slept in one of the comfy chairs in reception. However, I can’t sleep on an empty stomach, so we foraged around the town centre and settled at a very acceptable Italian Restaurant. The food was exceptional, and so was the bill. But after a large glass of Malbec and a stagger back to the hotel, I didn’t have a care in the world…

Tomorrow with the help of the P&O ship Azura, the search for the Fjords will continue, that’s if I can re-pack all the luggage back into the motor…

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I’m very envious, well, no, I’ll be honest, I’m very jealous of your trip to the Ffjords. A trip I would dearly love to do but funds won’t allow.

Enjoy every minute of that cruise and take tons of photos, I’m waiting in anticipation.

Big hugs Foxy, have a fantabulous time.

Well worth the effort. Your camera will get a good workout… Love to go back again for longer than the. 2 weeks we did… Don’t go blind looking at the lovely women either
we sailed from Southampton as it is not far from us.

this is what to expect

our ship at Flam if my memory serves me correctly

The whole trip everything was undescribable, never seen such stunning scenery out of all the cruises and holidays we have had. Photos don’t do it justice, it is one of those places that can only really be appreciated by actually being there.

Just one thing the price of everything is expensive, best to eat and drink on board

I took nealy 1000 photos and that is not including videos

Oh, gosh I am jealous too! Of everything but that bumper to bumper commute, that is.

Traffic, bad hotels, the discovery of an unexpectedly perfect out-of-the-way dining spot (even if the bill is absurd), and even a little too much wine is all part of it!

The Great Fjord Adventure or 2019 is afoot!

Here’s to a smooth embarkation, and if someone hands you a glass of something with bubbles, you deserve it. Have a grand time. :-D.

Have a great time Bob, I hope you manage to get one of your long walks in. :smiley:

Looking forward to your photos…

Seems odd to go from Yorkshire to Southampton in order to get to Norway, seeing as how in Yorkshire you’re halfway there already! :lol:

Thanks for all your replies, I’ll do my best to post photos and reports. That looks brilliant Realspeed, I don’t think my photos will be as good as yours, but I’ll do my best…

It’s a hard job Lion Queen but somebody’s got to do it, it will be a lot easier with your hugs…Thanks…x

Surfermom, my first glass of bubbly will be consumed with you in mind…Enjoy Italy…x

Thanks Mags, I’ll try and get a long walk around the deck once we are seabourne. Stand by for Photos…:smiley:

I know what you mean Pyxell, it would be nice to have sailed from Hull after a nice pint of something with Floydy. I always enjoy driving though even if it was at walking pace some of the time…

I’m going now because time, tide and P&O ships wait for no man…:cool:
A full English breakfast first though…:wink:

Is a full English wise before braving the North Sea? :shock: :shock: :lol::lol:

If OGF doesn’t come back saying how amazing the scenery is, then he is either drunk or stays in bed the whole trip. As for photos it is almost impossible not to take great ones unless one forgets to take/charge up the camera battery first.
What i would say is often the north sea is full of potholes, so the ship goes into not around them.

Started off!

Seeing Realists pictures and reading your text so far
OGF, Has started my wanderlust off again!
I wish you a safe journey and lots of excitement!

BRegards Donkeyman!

I feel the same Donkeyman. It’s not somewhere I ever wanted to go before but looking at the pics and thinking of it now it seems amazing. I remember the geography teacher droning on about fjords for several lessons and that formed a negative association, but they are really special.

Hope you have a great time Foxy. The scenery is stunning along with the little multi-coloured houses that look like painted sheds from the water. The last time we went was in November and to say it was cold is an understatement. But it did snow heavily and it was like being in fairy land. also got to see the killer whales.

[FONT=“Arial Black”]Where are the pictures from Realist[/FONT]??? i can’t see them only mine

brikdal glaciere

Realspeed, I have to say that other than your photos of Egypt, these are the most spectacular! Thank you for letting us travel there vicariously!

Sorry  Realspeed,  l  find  myself  missing  a  lot  lately,  my  eyes

are not too good! Thats my excuse anyway!
Your pictures are stunning, at least l could see them anyway!
I hope l will be able to take a cruise like that maybe the
fiords or alaska?

Best  regards  Donkeyman!

It’s that North Sea crossing worries me! :shock:
When we go, next year I hope, we’ll fly out and start from there!

Dont  cancel  Ruthio!
You  will  be  ok!

 Regards    Donkeyman!

I can show USA ones as well having been a few times

I hope your first day is going well Bob, I suppose you still have a long way to go yet.

Don’t forget, early to bed and up early for your run around the deck in the morning. :slight_smile:

Thanks  for  bringing  us  back  to  the  thread  Mags!
We  were  digressing  a  bit!

Regards Donkeyman!