Where has all the reverence gone

Used to be The President of the US and the Royalty of England, and other positions of power such as these have mostly become either suspect or an out right joke. Used to be if you had one of those positions you were held in highest respect and you conducted yourself accordingly. In one of these positions puts you (like it or not) as not only the Leader(figurehead), but the moral leader of your Nation. You represent an entire people. For us to say that’s OK he/she is only human and their allowed transgressions like the rest of us. This is not correct. They are human, but as representatives of entire countries, they are expected to put their baser needs aside and do a job. I just wonder when these positions quit being revered positions and go to jobs that should be listed online. This is strictly my opinion.


I understand where you are coming from Danny, but I read recently that Meghan Markle (she who wanted away from the royal family to forge a new career in movies/politics/writing books) is using her title “princess of sussex” to introduce herself, despite being advised she can’t use it. So when people of power use it willy nilly to forward their own advantage, and have no humbleness or gratitude for their position, it just makes you :roll_eyes:



princess my Rs … :rofl:


I guess the rise of investigative journalism and the Paparazzi have played a big part in that. The moral conduct of our public figures has not deteriorated, we just know about it now, whereas before, we didn’t. That’s my theory. :102:


I think they were more revered because we didn’t know as much about their sordid private lives.
ie:JFK we now know slept around but it was never reported in the news papers at the time.


:slight_smile: If I had read your post first,I wouldn’t have bothered to write mine.

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Hi Danny

I can’t comment on the US, but here in Britain royalty have not really been in a position of power that once was, since the civil war back in the mid 1600s.
Politicians have ever been respected, they are second rate chancers. We, the people, are free to heckle and throw eggs. Nothing much has changed.


I’m happy to share the glory with you, Psmith. :slightly_smiling_face:

I very often don’t read previous posts either.


It was probably happening in the USA at the same time but the sixties UK had satire which looked at those who made the news very differently.

And my fortnightly essential read the magazine “Private Eye”

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Thank goodness we have Scotty from Marketing in charge aided and abetted by Mr Potatohead

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Before them The Budgie Smuggler.


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