Where do the "Not Delivered" e mails go?

Over the years I have had several “Not Delivered” e mails.
Are they floating around somewhere? Can someone “Catch” them and use them for sinister purposes?

So have I. I don’t think they are freely floating around somewhere. It’s more likely that they were inadvertently filtered and saved in some folder or quarantine area, discarded, or bounced. And yes, such messages can be caught but not while floating around but on their normal way to the recipient.

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good question , I recently ordered something online,when I didnt get a confirmation email I looked back at my order form and realised i had left a letter out of my email .
I think in the past ive had emails bounce back from Postmaster general .

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If they are genuinely not delivered then once they are ‘returned’ (ie copied into the email telling you it was not delivered) they’re lost forever - unless they were copied by your ISP who may be snooping on your internet activity.

Sometimes some companies ‘pretend’ they are undelivered, for instance, when you reply to some of the order confirmation emails you get - that’s because they want you to spend hours/waste time trying to ring them - and they do this because they would rather you not complain and just keep the goods etc. ASOS are terrible for this, as are many other companies such as ISPs, mobile phone companies, etc. (They often put people’s charges up and don’t want people complaining.) Even insurance companies do this as now they can legally charge you for another 12 month contract even if you don’t agree to it! Actually, I need to post a thread about this!


Yes agree with the ‘‘boss’’ my experience has taught me a lot of late…if you have a slot of many hours I can tell you…zzzz…get the boredom though at that statement…

My Bank had threaten to block me out because it is online banking account they did not tell me that I needed to send them My I.D proof to them within the month…dated when discovered the email the 10th of April by a horrendous experience with so called friends…so without my contact last week I would have been shut out from my bank where my Income is paid in…big brother attitude… but when I said ok then I will withdraw most that is in that account and transfer it to my French Bank they changed their tune…


When it comes to banking always ring them via numbers you know are their actual numbers (i.e printed on your bank statement or directly from their own website) you can’t be too safe when it comes to banks and anything they ‘request’ via the internet Dianne. I would be super careful!


Thank you for your response and explanation.

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Well done for standing up to them.
It is one thing we can all do when banks try stand over tactics. Close the account and go elsewhere.

Yes but I get good rates via my Uk Credit Card that we use all the time…Our French bank charge far to much to have a Credit Card and often buying articles on line the Credit Card is the only type I feel safe with…I know some Debit Cards are covered against fraud etc when using online…but I actually don’t know which ones…I want to stick with my Credit Card…I am quite ok with knowing the trip ups of the internet but the crooks are getting far too convincing to many people now…I bought some CD’s yesterday and without realising I signed up for a data angel at £7 each month…I thought they wanted to check out my financial status…I soon wrote a furious email to them and got it cancelled within the hour…phew…you really need to be on the ball 24/7 these days…

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