When you just can't get it

I recently (yesterday) and had this refreshing conversation with my cell phone company.
Operator- How can I help you?
Me - I set up Autopay for the 3rd of the month. Why is my account coming due on the 2nd.
Operator - Sir we operate on a 30 day month. Since last month had 31 days your payment now is due on the 2nd.
Me - Let me get this straight. You offer Autopay where I can select the day of the month my payment comes due, but that’s wrong because the day will keep changing, because the world doesn’t operate on a 30 day cycle, just your company does.
Operator - Sir we get this confusion all the time (wow there’s an eye opener).
Me - No more confusion for me. I get it. It’s the year 2022 and you can’t get your computer system to recognize that some months have 31 days. I need a smarter service provider. Hung up.
Now I am shopping for a new cellular company.


They’re just trying to get 13 payments a year out of you rather than just 12 calendar months.


That is insane. I don’t know how they keep their customers, haha!

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But 13 times a year is a 28 day not 30 day cycle, Morti. It is daft though asking for a 30 day cycle for paying regular bills. What happens in February?


You pay for 30 days. Now instead of coming due on the 3 you’re coming due on the 5th. The whole thing is idiotic. I have found a new service carrier, one whose billing makes sense and who has the same great coverage. :grinning:


Good for you. :+1:

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