When we see animals in the wild, how does it make you feel?

I have seen Possums, Wombats, Kangaroos, Koalas, Platypus, Emus, Quokkas, Thorny Devils, Scorpions, Dolphins, to name some.
Seeing Echidnas., Spiny Ant Eaters. Saw a conga line of them once. Four males following a Female, known as a Trailing. The female releases Pheromones and the males follow her where ever she may wander, for hours.

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Perpetually ecstatic. I love all the different animals in their natural habitat.

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I love the fact that when I am out there and come across a native animal, at the time, I am the only one experiencing the moment.


I admire them.It’s a tough life being a wild animal.Not helped by much of their habitat disappearing thanks to you know who.


Some of my photos of wildlife near us

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just love em

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Sadly in these parts some animals are an exotic pest and just target practice, foxes are one of them as are cats. They have their place just not here.

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It depends on what animal and where…I almost stepped on a snake once on the moors and it sent a shiver up my spine…


I’ve never been lucky enough to stumble upon an adder, not that I’d care to be bitten by one.
They are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

I quite like them.

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Snakes can be a problem around here especially for pets.We have one unfortunate friend who lives next to a reserve who lost both of her dogs to snake bites.

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I would never hurt one, and I watched it slowly slither back into the heather Chilli…
I’m not keen on snakes though…Being an outdoor type all my life, it’s not the first time I’ve come across a snake. Grass snakes, although quick, usually hear you coming and do one…or I do…


Forgive me Mrs Smith, if I don’t visit you anytime soon… :open_mouth:

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I’ve been here a long time and never seen one around here.I’ll put the kettle on…


One sugar Mrs Smith…

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I was up in the bush once, just sitting quietly enjoying the serenity, along came a Tiger Snake, it stopped inches from my boot, reared up, tongue all a wagging, then went on it’s merry way.
Snakes do not scare me. Leave them alone, they will leave you alone.

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I’ve broken out into a cold sweat just thinking about that Bretrick…

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Maybe my attitude is because I was bought up in the wilds of Tasmania.
I used to catch Tiger Snakes by the tail then let them go. Silly things kids do. I love wildlife and these days always let them be.
I am often in the bush where I find a suitable spot and stay there all day, allowing the wildlife to come to me, passing through.
There was one time I was sitting quietly and along came a mob of Kangaroos. I counted 35 before stopping. When Kangaroos are feeding they take a long time. Slowly moving along to the next tasty morsel.
It was well over an hour I was surrounded by Kangaroos. They acknowledged I was there but ignored me because I remained seated, not moving, so I was not a threat.
If I had arisen then they would have taken off enmasse.


they say there are over 13,000 leopards in India, i have never yet been lucky enought to see one, but have often wondered how many have seen me…lol…i have onlt seen a couple of snakes, one up close, but the other was in the talons of a large bird of prey [a red kite perhaps] which flew about fifteen to twenty feet over my head with a four foot snake in its talons…

I am left in awe of wild animals.
We see deer on a regular basis,stags are beautiful beasts,i have been just a few feet away from them.
And like a fool i speak to them,can`t help it :roll_eyes:.

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The boarding school I went to is located in part wooded and part heathland. The sort of land that adders like. A pastime was to catch them with a forked stick, keep them in a dug out pit for a while, watch them and then let them go. We knew of the dangers but nobody ever got bitten.

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