When ever I cook I take down the smoke alarm and hide it in my bed, just in case

No need to have it screaming unnecessarily.
Happened a few times, needed to climb onto a chair to turn it off. So, so loud.

They are wired in here on the electric circuit so , no way you can take it down ,

I hope you put it back again .

when mine goes off I waft a tea towel below it and open a door.

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I thought they recommended not putting a smoke alarm in the kitchen but outside the kitchen (and the bathroom)

Probably for that very reason.

Yes, I always put it back after cooking.

It is not in the kitchen. I am in a small unit so unless it was in the bedroom with the door closed (it’s not) any smoke will set it off.

Aren’t heat detectors an option for kitchens as an alternative to smoke alarms?

I thought you meant you took it down because you burned everything…I was going to sympathise with you…welcome to my world

Not really…honest I don’t burn everything…honest :slight_smile: :fire:

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:grinning: No, I don’t burn everything, I take it down as a precaution. Seems too sensitive.
Sometimes it goes of with the steam from the shower. That is annoying.

Couldn’t be doing with that, just live off call in food.

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Ha ha spitty! I read that as just live off CAT food :flushed:

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No there is not! So why not invest in a “rate-of-rise” heat detector that is not effected by cooking smoke. My kitchen is a tad on the large size, so I have 2 such devices. One had to be moved as the brainless installer sited it directly over a pair of double ovens and of course opening a hot oven door triggered the sensor to set the alarm board off. If I only had smoke detectors I would set them off daily as I like my toast very well done bordering on burnt :wink:

One of the nice things about being a pensioner is that the Fire Brigade will supply and change the batteries in your fire alarms. On the other hand pensioners are more likely to die in a house fire.

I can still recall many years ago back in the early days of television, a colourful TV presenter in South Australia one night opening a can of cat food, then pulling out a spoon or fork and tucking in hungrily with a great big “Cheshire cat grin” all over his face.

Apparently it genuinely was cat food ( tuna fish )

Seems that he was aware that the same highly regarded company produced tuna marketed for human consumption and another label for the pet food market.

Apparently both were from the same fish but the pet food used the lesser cuts or pieces of the fish.

You can imagine the faces of viewers both on and offscreen.

He was a real character. :grin: :joy: :laughing:



Wonder what the Tuna made of the situation?

So if you cannot smell burning it`s salad for dinner :joy:

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